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Day 9
Monday, August 1st 2005

His father had agreed, it’d been a bit difficult since his father didn’t want him to risk losing his semi final game but Justin had reassured him, he could take this day off, he would work twice as hard tomorrow. His father also wondered why he wanted to go again so soon but Justin just told him he hadn’t been able to see everything he wanted last time. His father had eyed him suspiciously but had eventually nodded.

The same rules applied again and so Justin was ready to go after lunch and had to be back by eight. Justin had agreed again, it was better than not going at all and so he met up with Josh after lunch.

They kissed as soon as they saw each other. Eager to spend the day together.

“You ready to go?”

Justin nodded happily, “Definitely.”

“Let’s go then.” Josh closed the door behind him and together they walked to the elevator.

“You don’t mind going out now, do you?” Justin wondered suddenly as the doors whooshed closed and they were alone. Josh turned towards him.

“What do you mean?”

“Well you have a game tomorrow, don’t you mind going now? You could be preparing and practicing.” Justin said a little guiltily Josh considered his training schedule but he didn’t consider Josh’s.

“Nah, what I can’t do now, I’m not gonna learn it before tomorrow. It’s fine, if I win I win, if I don’t I don’t.” Josh said simply. Justin eyed him in awe at how well Josh took it but then Justin realized he would probably feel the same way if his father wasn’t behind him. They reached the first floor. Josh kissed him quickly and enthusiastically before the doors opened and then said,

“Let’s go!”

The weather was wonderful, the sun was shining and there was a slight breeze to make sure it wasn’t too hot. Justin and Josh walked towards the cinema, their hands entwined and swinging lightly between them. As they’d walked down the street away from the hotel they’d decided to go to the movies and then have a bit to eat to fully soak up the few hours of free time that they could spend together.

“How did training go this morning?” Josh asked conversationally, the cinema in sight.

They’d checked out a few stores on their way there, taking their time enjoying each other’s company. They’d asked a few people along the way for directions to the closest cinema and Josh was glad to see it finally appear. They didn’t need to waste their time searching for a cinema.

Justin shrugged, “Fine.”

“Your dad wasn’t too hard on you?” Josh worried a little, he knew how serious Justin’s father took this and he wanted to make sure Justin was okay. However Justin wasn’t really in the mood to talk or even think about this.

“He was but he feels he has to because I’m in the semis,” he answered anyway.

He eyed Josh as he added, “Can we please not talk about bowling or my father?”

Josh nodded quickly, “Of course.”

“Because we both know how it ended last time,” Justin finished but this time there was a smile in his voice. Josh chuckled.


They reached the cinema and studied the movies that they were showing at this time.

“What movie do you want to see?” Justin asked finally, leaning back into Josh as they stood in front of the movie listings. Josh wrapped his arms around Justin as they swayed lightly.

“I don’t mind,” Josh answered. “You pick.”

“You sure?” Justin wondered, tilting his head to look at Josh.

“Yeah, which one do you want to see?”

“Um…” Justin hummed, scanning the titles.

“European Gigolo?” he suggested still asking if Josh was okay with it although it was the only one at this time.

“Sure.” Josh agreed, stepping back, taking Justin’s hand again as they went to the cashier. Josh paid for two tickets and they went in right away. They stopped for drinks and popcorn before going to the theater. They settled in their seats and waited for the movie to start.

As soon as the lights went out Justin moved against Josh, he rested his head on his chest and smiled as he felt Josh’s arm go around his shoulders. There was no need to provoke people as they came in, they could wait till the lights went out. But as soon as they were and Justin was laying half on top of him he turned Justin’s head towards him, kissing him sweetly.

“I’m so glad you came along,” Josh whispered.

“Me too.” Justin said, kissing him back.

They kissed for a little longer till the movie really started and Justin turned his head to the screen, he left it to rest on Josh’s chest however, feeling his heart beat calmed him down and made him forget everything. He sought out his hand and stroked the back of Josh’s hand gently as he let them rest in between them. Content and at ease.

“That movie was boring,” Justin sulked as they got out of the theater and made their way to the exit.

“Good thing we had other things to keep us occupied then,” Josh answered, wiggling his eyebrows. Justin’s smile lit up and Josh couldn’t help but steal another kiss. The movie had been a disappointment but they’d more than enjoyed their time together in the dark room. They’d had all they needed; each other and lack of space between their lips. Justin slowly opened his eyes after Josh pulled back. He could not get enough of his taste. But he’d have to wait.

“You hungry?” Josh wondered with an amused smirk as he saw the blissful look on Justin’s face and knowing he’d put it there.

Justin nodded. “Yeah I could use some food.”

“We’ll find a restaurant then, come on,” Josh said before taking his hand, kissing the top before pulling him along, in search of some food.

“You know I actually don’t know a lot about you,” Justin said after they’d been seated and their waitress had taken their order. They’d come across a nice diner and had decided to eat there. It seemed like the perfect time to get to know each other a little better.

“Except that you like to bowl and that you’re gay.”

Josh smiled. “Well I don’t really know much about you either, what do you want to know?”

“Um, well let’s start with basics; how old are you?” Justin asked, taking a sip of his ice water.

“Seventeen, you?”

“Sixteen.” Justin answered with a smile.

“So you’re gonna be a junior in high school as well?” Justin asked for confirmation. But Josh shook his head.

“No actually, I’m gonna be a senior,” At Justin’s surprised look he continued, “I’m gonna be eighteen next week, the 8th.”

“Ah.” Justin nodded.

“When is your birthday?”

“January 31st.”

The waitress was back with their order, a burger and fries for both of them. They were both silent except for the thank you as she placed their food in front of them.

“I’m starving,” Justin exclaimed when she’d left.

Josh smiled, “Me too.”

“So where are you from?” Justin asked after he’d swallowed his first bite.

“Bowie,” he answered. “You?”


“That’s on the coast right?” Josh wondered, he’d heard of the town.

Justin nodded as he took another bite.

“You like it there?” Justin swallowed before answering.

“It’s fine, nothing special. I live there with my dad, I go to school, bowl,” he sighed. “And read.” Josh looked up from his burger in surprise.

“You read?”

Justin stilled his eating to laugh out loud, “Yeah I can read.”

Josh shook his head. “That wasn’t what I meant.”

Justin chuckled, “I know,” he reassured him.

“I mean you like to read?”

Justin nodded.

“That’s uncommon.”

“It is?” Justin wondered. He shrugged answering his own question.

“Maybe but I enjoy it, it’s peaceful and something no one can ruin for me or bother me with to be the best at. It’s just about the story.”

Josh nodded as he took a bite, only now fully realizing what kind of affect his dad’s pushiness had on Justin’s life.

“So what do you like except bowling?” Justin returned the question before taking a few French fries and dragging them through the ketchup then bringing them to his mouth.

“Um, I like watching movies and listening to music. I write too.”


“Yeah music and just stories.”

“You write stories?” Justin asked as incredulously as Josh had asked him if he read. It caused Josh to laugh now.


“About what?”

“About all sorts of things, just whatever inspires me.”

“Cool!” Justin said enthusiastically. “Can I read it sometime?”

“Sure.” Josh nodded with a smile as he sipped his water, he never really showed his writings to anyone but he trusted Justin, had a feeling he could share it with him. Not yet though, they didn’t know each other that well yet.

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?” Justin wondered, taking another French fry from his plate.

“Yeah, I got a brother and a sister actually.”

“Cool, I’m an only child, just me and my dad. Why didn’t you bring anyone?”

Josh shrugged. “No one really felt like coming, they don’t enjoy bowling really,”

“Sorry,” Justin apologized, he knew his father went overboard with everything but at least he cared.

“They rather go to my brother’s football games. It’s fine, I enjoy bowling I don’t care what they think.”

Justin swallowed his last bite of his burger then smiled. He couldn’t believe how confident Josh was and how he truly didn’t seem to care what other people thought of him or what he did. He was confident in an extremely sexy way. He was comfortable in his skin, he loved bowling and he was good at it. He was also comfortable with being gay and Justin envied and admired him at the same time.

“Does your family know you’re gay?” Justin wondered cautiously, not sure if it was a touchy subject. But Josh nodded without hesitation.

“Yeah they do.”

“And they’re okay with it?”

“I wouldn’t say okay with it, accepting I don’t know either but they tolerate it.”

Justin nodded.

“What about you, did you tell your dad?”

“God no!” Justin exclaimed as if it was unthinkable, maybe it was. “No, I didn’t.”

“Would he accept it?”

“What do you think?” Justin countered. Josh ducked his head, that was enough answer for Justin.


And that ended the topic, silence stretched until Josh swallowed his mouthful of junk food then scraped his throat making Justin look up.

“Is your food good?” he asked to just ask something. Justin laughed, stopping from biting into his French fries he had prepared to eat.

“Is that all you can come up with?”


Justin laughed louder. “Forget it, yes the food is good,”

Justin knew what Josh had tried to do, he’d tried to get him to forget they’d even talked about it but Justin had kind of come to terms with the fact that he wouldn’t be able to tell his father about his sexual preference and get a positive reaction in return. He knew that he would either never tell him or be prepared to get kicked out of the house when he did. He wouldn’t tell him before he graduated high school and after that he didn’t know, maybe it would never come up but he doubted it.

Josh smiled too, “I know, I couldn’t come up with anything else, my intentions were good,” he said a fake pout gracing his lips.

“I know,” Justin returned, leaning over the table and kissing him quickly.

“But it’s okay, I know how my father is I accepted it.” Justin said although it was only partly true because how could you ever just accept your father would never accept you? Josh understood and let the topic drop, for real this time.

“Do you know what time it is?” Justin wondered after a bit longer of talking about this and that. They’d finished their dinner and they’d paid. Josh nodded and looked at his watch,


Justin scowled. “Already?” he asked.

Josh nodded.

“I can’t believe we’ve been here for over an hour and half,” Justin noted surprised.

“I don’t want to go back yet.” Justin whined.

“I know,” Josh smiled. “But we have to,”

“I know, I wonder what my dad would do if I got back a little later…” Justin wondered playfully.

“He wouldn’t let you go out with me again,”

“If he knew I was with you he wouldn’t have let me go at all.”

Josh caught his words and smiled sadly but he decided not to say anything else, instead he said, “Let’s go back, we have a day off Friday we can go out then or meet up.”

Justin nodded as he slid out of the booth, he wrapped his arms around Josh’s waist.

“I like your ideas.”

“I like you.” Josh countered as he wrapped his arms around Justin in the same way.

“I like you too.” Justin smiled before he leaned in for a quick kiss. He knew people were staring but frankly he didn’t care. Justin was the first one to pull back, he released his hold on Josh’s waist and took his hand.

“Let’s go back.”

Back at the hotel. They took the elevator to the 8th floor. Josh had wrapped his arms around Justin’s waist, his hands clasped on his boy’s stomach. Justin had rested his head against Josh’s right shoulder and they were waiting patiently for the doors to open. They were content like this but the elevator reached the 8th floor and Josh had to get off here. He was however very reluctant to let this day end. Josh turned Justin around so they were facing each other.

“I had a great time,” Josh told him. Justin looked up at him.

“So did I.”

They leaned in at the same time, kissing passionately. They heard a ding and then the doors started closing. Josh reached out quickly to push the button to make sure the doors stayed open. They shared a smile.

“I guess that’s my cue to leave.”

“I guess so.” Justin nodded but it didn’t stop him from leaning in again.

“I really have to go now.” Justin said finally, breathless as they pulled back.

“I know.” Josh nodded, pushing the button again before kissing him quickly. He stepped away but still held Justin’s hand, one foot outside of the cart, the other inside. Still not ready to go.

“Are you coming to my game tomorrow?” he wondered.

“Do you want me to come?” Justin asked, somewhat surprised.

Josh nodded.

“Then I’ll be there.”

Josh beamed. “I’ll see you tomorrow then,”

Justin nodded.

“Goodnight Justin.” Josh said kissing his hand before releasing it.

“Goodnight.” Justin said as Josh finally stepped out of the cart. Josh didn’t walk away though, they smiled at each other till the doors closed.

Justin let out a contented sigh as he slumped back against the wall. He couldn’t help the smile that appeared, he knew he was silly, he felt like a twelve year old but Josh made him feel so… happy. He had not once thought about bowling or his father today and it was all because of Josh. He could get used to this. He never wanted this to end, he didn’t want this tournament to end suddenly. Of course he wanted his father to back off and that he’d win and that the whole competitiveness would be over but once the tournament would be over so would these trips with Josh be and he wasn’t ready for them to be over.

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