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« Chapter 1 »

**** August 26th 2000 ****
07.06 am

“Everyone knows what he needs to do?” he asked and was satisfied when his men nodded in response.

“This is going to be fun” one of the men said with a pleased gleam in his eyes.

“Yes, but remember DON’T kill them. Whatever you do! DON’T kill them. I don’t care about hurting them but just don’t over do it. I want these boys! Today will be the day. Today will be my day!” the man stated.

“Let’s go to the airport …”

09.22 am

“Weeeheee we’re going to London today!” Zoey exclaimed. Justin smiled at her while walking over to the closet on the other side of the bed room.

“I’m so looking forward to this trip. I haven’t been to London in like…” Justin stopped for a second and gave her a look.

“Well never actually” she said with a smile.

”Where’s my sweater?” Justin yelled from inside the closet.

“Check the laundry room” Zoey yelled back. Justin walked downstairs into the laundry room. He went through several piles of clothes.

“We have too many clothes… and this isn’t even all of it” he commented while he continued in his search.

“No… no… no” he said while he picked up several items of clothing and threw them behind him on the floor.

“Can’t find it!” he yelled.

“What about your suitcase?!” she suggested loudly to make sure he would hear it downstairs. He went to the garage and pulled out his black suitcase which he had used on their last tour. He opened it and searched every area since the suitcase had a lot of hidden spaces he lost a lot in there.

“Ah here it is!” he exclaimed.

“You got it?” Zoey said all of a sudden appearing behind him.

“AH!” he yelled while he jumped back.

“You scared the crap out of me” he said while holding a hand on his chest like he wanted to stop it from jumping out.

“Sorry” she chuckled.

“Now you found it?”

“Yeah I did” he said holding up his shirt in front of her face.

“Good now hurry up, we’re going to be late”

“God, you sound like JC…” he sighed dramatically.

“Well it’s inevitable since you’re always late”

“You’ve got no room to talk sweetie” he said smiling satisfied since he knew he had a point.

“Whatever” she said dismissively.

“HA!” he said while his smile grew wider and he watched her head for the kitchen. He turned and headed up the stairs to gather the last few things to put them in his suitcase.

09.54 am

“What are you doing?” Justin asked when he walked into the kitchen. He chuckled when he saw she was digging through the continents in the cabinets while her bag rested on the counter ready to carry all the items she dug out.

“I am… just… packing some food” she said with her head still in the cabinet and still digging through the continents.

“What else do you need to bring?” Justin questioned when he saw her stuffing hands full of candy into her backpack.

“I want to take my candy. Snickers… M&M’s…” she said out loud while she dumped the candy in her bag.

“They’ll have all of that on the plane”

“I know but it’s SO expensive. There’s no way I’m buying that besides it tastes like crap!” she said like she couldn’t afford it.

“I don’t think they will allow you to bring tons of food on the plane” he said while he started pulling the candy out of her bag and putting it back in the cabinet.

“Justin!” she exclaimed while she grabbed the candy he just placed in the cabinet and dumped it in her bag once again. He got it out again and she put it back.

“Stop!!” she yelled while she tried to get the candy back in the bag and get away with the bag full of candy before Justin had a chance to take it out again. She ran to the front door and held the bag protectively close to her body. Justin went after her and caught up with her halfway. He grabbed the bag and held it up high, out of her reach.

“Justin stop it! It’s my candy I want to take it with me” she said while she jumped up for her bag. He shot her a look.

“You know what?” she asked tempting while she stopped jumping up and down all of a sudden.

“What?” he said a little suspicious.

“If you don’t give me the bag within two seconds I’m not going to need it anymore” Justin looked puzzled.

“Because we’re going to be late and hey I don’t need to catch the flight necessarily. But you do… “ she said pointing her finger at him.

“You’re gonna be in trouble” she taunted in a singsong voice. He glanced at the clock and saw she was right. ‘Damn! Why did they let it come to this? Now they really had to hurry and run to catch the flight’ he thought.

“Zoey!” he whined while he dropped the bag into her awaiting hands. He ran to the front door got his jacket, put on his shoes and then headed outside to put the suitcases in the car. Zoey had never seen him pack the car this fast and she chuckled. She also grabbed her jacket, swung her bag over her shoulder and put her sunglasses on when she stepped outside. She closed the door and locked it before walking over to the car and getting in. Leaving their LA home behind once again. They had spent quite some time here but that was over now. Justin was expected to go to London and a few other European countries like: Germany, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland. Zoey decided to come along. She’d never been to London, every time the guys went, for some reason she couldn’t join them but she wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. They couldn’t have picked a better moment and she was really looking forward to this trip. They sped off towards the airport.

10.38 am

“Here we are! Here we are!” Justin yelled apologetically when they reached the group of people obviously waiting for them.

“Are we still on time? We can still check in can we?” Zoey asked worriedly.

“Yes you can but if it would be on time you couldn’t have” Lance answered.

“What?” Justin asked confused.

“The flight is delayed by half an hour, so you’ll have another 16 minutes to check in” Joey answered.

“pfff” Justin and Zoey sighed at the same time.

“What was it this time? You overslept? You couldn’t find the way to the airport? You run someone over? What?” JC asked sarcastically while he tried to hide a small smile that crossed his features.

“Actually no” Justin answered while giving him a fake smile in return.

“We were just a little slow this morning and the girl over here wanted to pack all the candy we had in the cabinets”

“Yeah whatever. He’s complaining now but when he’s hungry later he’ll whine for a candy bar just wait and see” she said winking at the rest of the group who burst out laughing knowing that she was right. It wouldn’t be the first time that’s for sure. When they were in Germany the year before, Justin didn’t want to take any food with him on their way from München to Stuttgart. He said it would only be about two hours and he wasn’t really hungry. Not knowing he would actually have to wait a while longer since the van broke down just forty-five minutes after they left München. They passed the last gas station twenty-five minutes ago and the next wasn’t for another 20 kilometres. They had been stuck there for a couple of hours. He didn’t want to bring any food with him and had been close to attacking someone after 3 and a half hours. That’s when Zoey decided to give him the food she had been carrying in her bag the whole time. She wanted to make her point by letting him get hungry a bit and it worked but not for long. He had more attention for the food than her point but the rest reminded him of this scene every time he whined about taking food with him. Justin winced and held up a hand to prevent the giggling people around him from saying anything.

“Let’s go check in before they close it” Justin said in an attempt to change the subject. It worked though,

“Yeah let’s do that” Zoey giggled before she got her luggage and followed him to the in check desk.

10.59 am

“I didn’t even get the chance to greet you all” Zoey exclaimed when she got back. She quickly made a circle of hugs and kisses.

“How is Mary doing?” Zoey asked Chris when she reached him.

“She’s good”

“I thought she was coming I was hoping to see her and shop together in London” Zoey said whining a little about the fact she wouldn’t have a shopping partner in London. The best place to shop.

“No she couldn’t come but she said she would meet up with us in Paris but she wasn’t sure”

“Ooh too bad”

“Believe I’m just as disappointed as you” he said while he gave her his best pout. She laughed at his attempt to look pitiful and gave him a playful punch.

“Hey watch it little…” Chris said while he put an arm around her shoulder.

“Who are you calling little?” she challenged while she stretched on her toes so she was just a little taller than him. He stretched as well so that he was taller once again. She pushed him of balance so that he was his normal length.

“So how long do we need to wait till we can get on board?” she asked him once she stopped laughing.

“Um I don’t know I think about 20 minutes left”

“Ooh good! I have to go to the bathroom”

“Could you watch my stuff?” she asked no one in particular. Justin sighed dramatically coincidently hearing her request. Zoey shot him a look before walking away towards the ladies room.

“That woman of yours…” JC said sarcastically before he started laughing and so did Justin. Zoey came along quite often. She and Justin were very close and had been dating for over 3 years. She was a person who always joked around but when she needed to be serious she was serious. The rest of the group really liked her and they had a great time together. She was really outgoing and a very loveable person. They always liked it when she came along.

11.12 am

“Ouch!” Zoey yelped in surprise and pain when she bumped into a huge guy when she exited the restroom. Shrinking back when she saw the guy was about a feet taller and twice as big. In surprise the guy dropped his briefcase and quietly cursing he bend down to reach for his things which had tumbled out of his briefcase when it hit the ground.

“I’m sorry” she apologized while she bend down and helped the man gather his belongings. The guy didn’t respond to her apology and when she looked at him he had an extremely angry look on his face.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t s…” she stopped her apology abruptly when she caught a glimpse of something shiny hidden under his coat. It looked an awful lot like… NO. It can’t be, would it be? … a gun? She hadn’t noticed it before but when he bend down it was slightly revealed. She stretched quickly and still a little shocked she apologized once again.

“I’m sorry I didn’t see you” then she quickly turned and walked away fast paste in the direction of the waiting area of the airport. Did she just see that right? Probably not! No it can’t be… She was still deep in thought when she reached the group of people who were waiting for her.

“Everything ok, sweetie?” Justin asked when he saw the look on her face and noticed that she’d bumped into several people on her way over and hadn’t reacted in the slightest bit.

“Huh…? yeah… I’m fine” she said distracted before she looked back at the spot where the guy had been standing a few minutes ago but he was now where in sight.

11.24 am

At gate 16: “Alright sir please place your bag on the conveyor belt” the security guard said. The guy nodded and placed the bag on the conveyor belt ready to take it through the x-ray machine. He exchanged glances with the man before he walked through the metal detector gate. Everything seemed normal; however what nobody noticed was that the guard’s hand reached for a button. The button to turn the alarm from the metal detector off just like the alarm from the X-ray machine. Although he turned the alarm off he did see what was in the bag. It scared him but he let the man pass nevertheless. He didn’t want to risk the safety of his family which the man had threatened him with if he didn’t let him pass.

11.33 am

“Ok people gather your stuff and let’s go!” Barry said. They picked up what was left of their bags since they already checked in and got rid off there suitcases, Justin put an arm around Zoey and surrounded by bodyguards the guys walked to the gate. There were a few screams and they saw flashbulbs here and there but they arrived at the gate safely and boarded the airplane.
