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« Chapter 2 »

11.53 am

“Did I lock the door?” Zoey asked worriedly when they walked to their seats.

“Yes you did” Justin answered calmly.

“Did I close the windows?”

“Yes you did”

“Did I turn off the lights?”

“Yes you did”

“Did I leave the gas on?” she asked shocked thinking she finally found something she forgot.

“Yes you did” Justin responded automatically. Zoey’s eyes widened in surprise.

“I mean no. No you didn’t” Justin said quickly when he realized his automatic answer was wrong in this case. Zoey sighed in relief before saying,

“I just have a bad feeling”

“Sweetie we didn’t forget anything and we’re on our way just chill ok?” Justin said reassuringly while he gently pushed her down in her seat.

“Here these are out seats” Justin said while he pointed at the two chairs, one of them Zoey was already sitting in. He put their bags in the compartment above their heads before he sat down next to her.

“Alright” Rick, the bodyguard, sighed while he sat down next to Justin, closing the line of the three chairs in business class. The three seats in front of them were occupied by Joey, Lance and Barry, another bodyguard.

JC, Chris and Luke the third bodyguard were seated behind Justin’s row and the last row was all for Jeffrey their coordinator who would be responsible for their schedule and appearances till the rest of the crew arrived. They had several interviews in London and all they really needed was a coordinator who would keep them on schedule and who would make sure they got to the right places. Besides a coordinator, people who they always needed were their bodyguards. They couldn’t do without them.

They had 3 bodyguards with them on this flight. There would be more bodyguards waiting for them in London. They flew in the past day to make sure everything was safe and taken care off so once the boys arrived in London, everything would run smoothly. The rest of the crew would join them later since they had some business to take care off in Orlando.

“I do feel safe. Like I’m surrounded by momma’s protective wings in a bird nest” Zoey blurted. They all looked at her like she was nuts.

“What?” she asked when she noticed the people around them were looking at her. Rick and Luke laughed while Chris called playfully,

“Shut up or we’ll kick you out off the bird nest”

“Are we being friendly today... geez” she chuckled slightly.

12.13 pm

“Zoey?” Chris asked poking his head over the chair so he could see her.

“Yeah?” she asked while looking up so she could see Chris’ face upside down.

“Justin ate all the candy bars already?”

“Shut up Chris” Justin said annoyed, knowing he would steer the conversation in the direction of München and being hungry.

“No,” she laughed. “Why?”

“I’d like one” he said giving her a huge smile.

“No don’t give him sugar! Please!” Justin begged playfully.

“He’s crazy enough” JC interfered pulling Chris back in his chair.

“JC!” Chris exclaimed getting up again.

“Please Zoey” he pleaded while batting his eyelashes.

“Sorry buddy, I don’t think I’ll survive if I give you some. Look at all those angry faces” she whispered to Chris but the rest heard it too. Chris looked around at the faces of his fellow travelers and she was right. He plumped back in his seat pouting.

“Meet me outside later” she whispered over the top of the chair, Chris chuckled.

12.28 pm

“Good morning this is your captain speaking, welcome on flight 2084A to London. We’ll take off in a few minutes so make sure you put your seatbelt on. I wish you all a very good flight” the captain welcomed the passengers over the intercom in the airplane. Everyone moved to buckle their seatbelts before the plane started moving towards the runway and eventually took off.

12.51 pm

“Sir, are you alright?” a stewardess asked concerned once she noticed a man in her cabin, didn’t really look good and she went over to him to size up the situation.

“Um… ugh… no... not really” the man managed to say.

“What’s wrong sir?” the stewardess asked calmly trying to find out what was wrong with the man. They were already in the air so they needed to be careful; a sick person on an airplane was always very uncomfortable.

“I feel really cramped, like I can’t breath” he choked.

“Alright can you stand sir?” she asked.

The man nodded slightly before grabbing a hold of the chairs in front of him to lift himself out of the seat. The man was pretty large and overweight so she was relieved she didn’t have to lift him out of the chair herself.

“Get some help Heather” she said to another stewardess.

“Alright sir. Stay calm alright. My name is Rachel and I’ll stay with you ok. Just breathe” she said while she inhaled and breathed out, over and over again knowing the man would follow her example soon. And he did, by the time another stewardess arrived to help, the man had his breathing under control but they still decided to move him to a less crowded area since his eyes started to flutter.

The man had dark spiky hair and for some reason it just didn’t fit him, neither did the black beard but there wasn’t time to think about it as the man almost collapsed in the isle. They quickly moved him out of the economics class, at least as quickly as possible.

“Let’s get him to the gallery, it’s less crowded” Rachel suggested, not knowing that was exactly what the man wanted. When they arrived in the gallery the man fully collapsed and he fell to floor, too much for the two people supporting him to carry.

“Sir” Rachel said speaking to him in a clear calm voice while lightly patting him on the cheek to encourage the man to open his eyes.

“Get some water and the first aid kit” Rachel instructed the other stewardess who nodded in response before disappearing in a hurry.

“Sir” Rachel repeated still patting him on the cheek. The man slowly regained consciousness and his eyes fluttered open.

“Stay with me ok” Rachel spoke to him. Heather came back with the medicines and they treated him. After several minutes the man looked much better and Rachel sighed in relieve. Sick people on airplanes were always a pain since they couldn’t take them to the hospital. They were forced to take them with them to their destination. Something that was always complicated especially when the person who was sick, felt really bad. Thank God, this man already started feeling better.

1.07 pm

“Miss!” a man asked louder than usual, a little annoyed that he had to wait a little longer. He was obviously not aware off the situation going on in the gallery behind him. At least that’s what everyone needed to think because it was in fact all part of the plan.

“Rach we need you here” a stewardess called for her. People were getting impatient since they just took off and everyone wanted a drink.

“Alright sir, just stay here and stay calm. I’m going over to the cabin for a couple of minutes and I’ll be back really soon alright?” Rachel said to him in a calm and steady voice. The man nodded and she saw he felt much better.

She didn’t really feel comfortable about leaving him alone now but they really needed her help. It reassured her that the man responded to her and he was very aware of his surroundings.

“I’ll be right back” she said before she walked fast pace to the economics class where she was needed.

1.10 pm

A man peeked his head around the gallery’s wall. He glanced at the man who was lying on the ground. The man glanced back and nodded in his direction. “I’m clear, let’s move” the man said softly while he stood up. The man nodded in response and walked back to his seat. Exchanging glances with several men along the way.

1.17 pm

“I have to go to the bathroom” Zoey said while she stretched. She was already stiff, she never liked sitting down, especially not in an airplane where you couldn’t go anywhere else.

“You just went!” Justin exclaimed.

“Yeah well I have a small bladder” Zoey said while she made her way out of the row. Rick who was sitting closest to the isle moved to stand up.

“Where are you going?” Zoey asked confused.

“I’m going with you” he stated simply.

“I can pee by myself, I’m a big girl” she said sarcastically while Justin snickered at her comment.

“I know but you never know what could happen” he said since he had been instructed to watch over everybody who came along on the trip and Zoey was well known since she had been dating Justin for over 3 years. You saw them everywhere together. People started recognizing her and you never knew what people would do to get to one of the members of Nsync.

“Don’t be silly, I don’t need protection THEY do. Mostly from themselves” she said laughing while the rest of the group stared at her like they were offended.

“I’m just going to the bath room. What could happen?” and with those words she headed towards the curtain which separated the business class from the toilets not knowing how wrong she could be.

1.20 pm

“Ooh miss” someone behind Zoey called when her hand reached for the doorknob of the toilet. Zoey turned and faced the flight attendant,


“I’m sorry but you can’t use these toilets” the stewardess said gesturing towards the toilets behind them.

“Why not?”

“We’ve got a few problems with these toilets, we’ll have someone look at them soon, but in the meantime I’ll have to ask you to use the other toilets. I’m sorry for the inconvenience”

“That’s ok, where are they?” Zoey asked looking around.

“Walk through the first part of economics class and then first hallway on the left”

“Ok” she shrugged while she headed towards the curtain that separated economics class from the business section.

1.26 pm

A firm nod set the whole plan in motion. From one moment to the next there was a guy who pulled out a gun. The girl he’d been waiting for to come back came closer and he held a close eye on her. He’d seen her pass by a few minutes before and decided he’d use her. When she was in his reach he grabbed a hold of her and spun her around quickly. Her back pressed against the man’s chest and a gun against her temple. Two other men jumped out of their seats and drew their guns, one of them spoke to the frightened passengers while in all the other cabins men jumped up and followed their lead.

1.34 pm

“Your plane has just been hijacked. Just follow our orders and no one will get hurt. We have no intention in hurting you but don’t tempt us. We won’t hesitate if you give us a reason” a voice spoke through the intercom. The whole plane was now under the control of the men with the guns.

1.42 pm

“You two stay here” the man who still held onto the trembling girl said to the two other men. They were there to restrain the passengers in this cabin so that their boss had nothing else to worry about but the five boys in business class. When the two men nodded in response he made his way towards the curtain where the girl he was still holding came from.

1.47 pm

“There’s a man, he didn’t feel ok. Can I check on him” Rachel fearfully asked one of the hijackers, she didn’t want to put any of her passengers in danger but that man could be in danger at this moment.

‘What if he felt ill again and there wasn’t anyone to calm him down or to help him?’ she wondered, giving her the courage she needed to ask the hijacker if she could check on him, just in case.

“No” the hijacker said shortly. Rachel kept quiet after this knowing she would endanger a lot more people than just the man who was probably alright.

However she didn’t know this man was indeed alright. She didn’t know that the man who so called needed help was the man who was behind the whole thing. He didn’t need to be rescued, he needed to be stopped and there was a special reason she wasn’t allowed to check on him: the man was no longer there.

1.51 pm

“Zoey!” Justin exclaimed fearfully when he saw his girlfriend in the hands of a man with a gun. He’d been worried sick when she disappeared to the restroom and men stormed in with guns.

‘Ooh my God where is she? Is she alright?’ was all he could think about. The man who was still holding Zoey nodded to one of the other men in the cabin holding the few passengers in business class under control. The man got the message and walked towards the middle,

“Alright. You, you, you and this row, stand up” the man ordered the few other people in business class.

Barry watched in fear and anger how the man guided all the other passengers out of the business class, he had a strong feeling this was not just a hijacking but had in deed something to do with the 5 guys he was hired to protect and with that in mind he took the opportunity of the distraction to reach for his communication device in his pants pocket. All the bodyguards always took that device with them, it was a way to alarm head-security when something went wrong, he didn’t know if it was going to get them out of this situation but at least the people on the ground would know that there was something wrong.

“Nuh uh” one of the men, also known as Mike, said while he pointed his gun at Barry, getting him out of his original thoughts to get to his device.

“Stand up Mr. Security guard” Mike ordered, gesturing with his handgun. He let go of Zoey who he was still holding and pushed her into two awaiting hands of his partner in this cabin, Eddie. She yelped in surprise and Justin shot up.

“Sit!” Mike ordered while he pointed his gun in Justin’s direction, never taking his eyes off of Barry who was still sitting. Justin held out his hands as protection before he slowly lowered back in his seat.

“Good. Now stand up” Mike ordered Barry again. Barry did as he was told, he couldn’t risk the guys get hurt and they still held Zoey against them so he stood up. His job was to protect them from danger, not put them in danger. But what could he possibly do against these men with guns when he had nothing he could use against them.

“Hands behind your back” Mike instructed and Barry obliged while the guys watched fearfully. If their bodyguards couldn’t do anything against these men, what were they supposed to do? The man pulled out a pair of handcuffs and snapped them around Barry’s wrists before he lead him to the nearest restroom.

“We saved you a special seat,” Mike said amused while he pushed Barry inside the restroom.

“Don’t make a move or we’ll hurt one of your boys” he threatened and Barry allowed the man to push him on the toilet seat. He wound a rope tightly around his chest pinning his arms to the side. Then another rope tide him to the toilet seat and a piece of duct tape prevented him from talking.

“Make sure the door only opens from the outside!” Eddie called from business class.

“Yeah” Mike called back before he smashed the door knob on the inside. He waved at the man bound to the toilet seat before closing the door and barricading it.

“On to the next one…” Mike said to himself, rubbing his hands together while he went back to business class to get the next bodyguard. The guys watched fearfully as all three of their bodyguards and their coordinator were being bound and gagged in front of them.

They were too scared to fully comprehend that these two men were getting rid of all the passengers in business class except for them. Each one of the bodyguards and their coordinator were being put in a restroom before the man barricaded the door.

Once they got rid of the extra crew, they had 5 people left, the 5 boys they came for: Nsync.
