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« Chapter 12 »

“Hey Justin” a sweet girl’s voice addressed him. Justin spun around and was eye to eye with Tamara.

“Oh, hi” Justin said, producing a smile. They were both silent for a while not knowing what to say. Justin had the dilemma whether he should be nice to her or just brush her off. He didn’t really like her but she could help him out. He knew how cruel it sounded but he would do anything for Josh.

“Haven’t seen you at the country club for a while” she finally said, thinking of something to say to him. Their parents were both a member of the Hilton country club. Justin hated it and hardly ever went only when his parents insisted. Tamara though could be found there on a weekly basis, she loved the feeling of power and money. The waiters there getting everything she wanted and they had to stay polite, she was a spoiled brat and Justin didn’t like that one bit.

“I don’t go there that often” he responded the nicest way he could. He could have told her he thought that club was full of cocky rich people and he rather not come there at all if it weren’t for his parents but he contained himself.

“Maybe we could go to the movies sometime” she suggested making Justin cringe.

Should he lie or go with her? He didn’t feel like it really,

“I don’t know if my dad will let me” he lied, well it wasn’t a lie really. He was sure his father wouldn’t let him go easily but if he really wanted to and fought for it he’d get it done. But see that was just the thing; he didn’t really want to, he thought of it as cheating in some way.

“Oh” Tamara said disappointed, getting the unspoken messaged; he didn’t really want to go with her.

“Ok, well I’ll see you around then” Tamara said.

“Sure” he said trying not to sound unfriendly. He watched her retreating back with a sigh. A hand on his shoulder startled him and he spun around swiftly.

“Didn’t I already tell you not to do that?” Justin scowled when he saw it was once again Joey startling him. Joey laughed in response.

“Sorry man” he said although he wasn’t sorry at all and Justin knew it.

“She likes you, you know” Joey informed him.

“Who?” Justin asked confused.

“Tamara” Joey answered, tilting his head in her direction.

“Oh” Justin said. Joey laughed once again.

“I know you don’t like her but she likes you” he informed him once again before walking off to class, waving over his shoulder. Justin stared after him. So she liked him, he’d already known that well a little anyway but what he couldn’t figure out was, if that was good or bad.

Justin and Josh were able to spend more and more time together with the excuse of a girlfriend constantly covering him. Justin was able to go see Josh several times a week and was overjoyed. Tamara kept coming back, asking him if he wanted to go out with her and he discretely told her he wasn’t interested. He made sure he didn’t hurt her feelings but she at least knew that he didn’t want to date her. Justin was still amazed every time his father told him to have a good time and without giving him a curfew or a driver. He must really like it that I have a girlfriend, Justin thought, wishing he’d have responded the same way with Josh. But he forced himself not to think about that, he was happy just being with Josh and he wasn’t going to let his father ruin that for him. Two months it had gone really well, Justin could leave whenever he wanted and he happily spend that time with Josh. Once they even went outside, Justin had been telling Josh about his love for basketball and how his father had never let him play.

“Basketball was for poor people who couldn’t afford anything more than a simple ball” his father always said when Justin mentioned his favorite sport. Howard rather had he played golf, it was classier. Justin however hated golf and the cockiness that went with it. It wasn’t even a sport; you hit a ball, get in a golf cart to retrieve the ball and you hit it again, ridiculous. He wished his father would give basketball a try but the chance of that ever happening was practically nil.

Josh felt sorry for him and suggested to go to the park just a few blocks away. Justin didn’t want to go at first because; what if his father would drive by and saw them together? But Josh had convinced Justin that the park was well hidden, you couldn’t see it from the road and besides why would his father be in this part of town. He’d added, the bad part of town as a joke but Justin did feel bad about it although he’d never said it directly, Josh knew how Justin’s father felt about him and where he was from. Finally he’d been able to convince Justin and happily they walked to the park together with a basketball tugged under Justin’s right arm. Josh had always liked basketball as well and had had several basketballs over the years on birthdays and Christmas’. Justin had never owned one simply because his father wouldn’t let him and he wistfully looked at the ball.

Josh found that very ironic, wasn’t he the poor one who had just a few belongings, only the essential things? Wasn’t Justin the rich one who had everything he wanted within reach? Yet here he was, the rich kid staring longingly at a simple basketball who wouldn’t cost more than 30 bucks when he had several cars, worth over $100.000, waiting for him when he’d get his license while Josh didn’t even have the money for one car, not even a used one. Justin occasionally dribbled the ball on the way to the park, loving the feeling and sound of it bouncing off the pavement. Once at the park they shoot some hoops and Josh was amazed at Justin’s talent.

“You said you never played!” Josh said indignantly.

“Not with a real basketball no, just paper, tennis balls and homemade hoops” he admitted with a small smile. Josh got a sad look in his eye but Justin didn’t want to see it, he ran towards the older man and took the ball from his hands already dribbling towards the hoop, leaving Josh to follow. They even played a few one on one games with Justin being the winner with 4-2 and he marveled at the joy. Josh was happy he could make Justin so happy with something as simple as a basketball game. Yes they had spend a lot of time together and enjoyed every second of it, both knowing how quick it could go wrong.

Two months and then destiny struck; his parents wanted to meet his girlfriend. They’d been asking about his girlfriend more and more and the question; when do we get to meet her, was repeated over and over again. Every time the question popped up Justin came with a good excuse; she’s not home, she can’t make it, I have a lot of homework, I’m tired. But he knew there would come a time when his parents wouldn’t fall for that anymore and it seemed like that time was coming closer and closer.

“Justin why don’t you come with us?” Howard asked his son as he and his wife were ready to leave, stepping into his son’s bedroom where he was reading something.

“Where to?” Justin asked putting the magazine down. His father wanted full attention when he asked you something and things had been going too well lately to screw that up.

“The country club, you’re girlfriend will be there I assume” he said with a wink as if he was helping him. Justin’s mind worked fast,

“That’s ok dad, I just saw her besides I got a lot of homework” he lied hoping his father would accept it.

“Come on son, you’ll have plenty of time for homework later, besides your mother and I are curious; we would like to meet her” Howard insisted making Justin cringe. Ok, this is going wrong.

“Maybe some other time” Justin tried for the last time while praying, please let him fall for it.

“What’s wrong with now?” Howard still didn’t let go.

“I just…. I don’t feel like going. I’m tired” he tried every possible thing to get his dad to drop the issue but he didn’t want to corporate.

“You were perfectly fine just now, it will be fun” Howard said, smiling a little. When Justin didn’t seem too enthusiastically about it Howard added,

“I could of course always ground you for a while, that way you’ll be able to get some rest”

Justin shot up, “No, that’s fine” he said quickly, grounding meant not seeing Josh, no he wouldn’t let that happen again and let him worry about him again. He’d felt bad enough the first time and he wasn’t going to let him go through that again.

“I’ll go” Justin softly mumbled, agreeing reluctantly. Howard nodded satisfied.

“Good, then get ready we’re ready to leave” Justin stood and walked towards his closet getting his shoes and grabbing his jacket. He pulled them on quickly as his father was staring at him, waiting impatiently for his son to get ready.

“Come on son” Howard ushered when it didn’t go fast enough for him. Justin finished tying his shoelaces and got up, putting on his jacket as he followed his father downstairs where they joined his mother and the three of them walked to the awaiting car to take them to the country club.

At the country club, Justin spotted Tamara and spurted towards her, wanting to get there before his parents did so he could ask her quickly to go along with it and that he would explain everything later.

“Tamara!” he called as he ran towards her.

“Justin, what are you doing here? It’s good to see you” she said solemnly, turning slowly towards him as she spotted the boy she had a crush on coming quickly towards her.

“I’m good now I need you to…” Justin started but a hand on his shoulder stopped him mid-sentenced. The hand squeezed his shoulder a little letting Justin know his father didn’t like the fact that he’d ran out in front of them. Justin slowly turned, fearfully looking at his father.

“So this was the rush” Howard said with a disapproving tone towards his son before he focused his attention on the young lady in front of him. He thought it was a good choice, she was rich and had manners not like that piece of scum Josh from the east side.

“Justin, where are your manners?” Patricia admonished her son in a high pitched voice.

“I’m sorry” Justin said before he moved to stand next to Tamara.

“Mom, dad, this is Tamara…” he paused for a second not sure if he should add the title. It would make it easier for Tamara to understand but it would make it real as well.

“My girlfriend” he added as confident as possible, staring at Tamara in what he hoped a lovingly way. Tamara met his eyes, confusion written all over her face but she caught on quickly,

“Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Timberlake” she said politely shaking their hands with a bright smile. Justin let out an inaudible sigh of relief as Tamara shook hands with his father and then his mother.

“You too, dear” Patricia said cocky, fake. Tamara stepped back, slipping one arm around Justin’s waist, he jumped slightly before looking at Tamara who had an incredibly bright smile on her face. Justin tried to mirror the smile but he knew it wasn’t all that good and he hoped his parents hadn’t seen his slight jump.

“Would you like to join us for some tea, Tamara?” Howard asked politely. Justin opened his mouth to decline for her but Tamara cut him off,

“I’d love too, sir”

Justin groaned inwardly, hoping his problem wasn’t growing by the minute. It had seemed such a good idea at first but it was turning into a disaster.

“Can we be excused?” Justin asked when they all finally finished their drinks He was eager to get away, showing that to Tamara when he gulped down his steaming hot tea in three big swallows, earning him an disapproving look from his parents and burning his tongue in the process but he didn’t care. Tamara was great, she was happily joining in the conversation telling them about how much she liked Justin and it wasn’t a lie, at least not for her. Justin stayed silent he didn’t want to get involved in the conversation. Howard was a little disappointed they wanted to leave but Patricia stood up for him,

“Ah Howard let the two, they’re in love”

Justin smiled his thanks, hoping it didn’t look to fake as he gently pulled Tamara up. Justin already turned but Tamara spun him around so he was facing her again. She pressed her lips against his, something she’d been dreaming off for a long time. Justin was startled, he wanted to pull away but his parents where sitting right in front of him. If he pulled back now it would look suspicious so he allowed her to continue to kiss him, thinking it was Josh instead of her. When she finally pulled away she gave Howard and Patricia a full smile before she pulled Justin with her to the other side of the club, a more private part. Justin let himself be pulled, he couldn’t think for a moment, where had he gotten himself into? He snapped out of his thoughts when Tamara stopped walking and let go of his hand.

“What the hell was that?” Justin hissed, angry she’d put in a position like that.

“What?” she asked innocently.

“You told them I was your girlfriend. That’s what girlfriends do” she informed him.

“But… but” Justin argued, frustration getting the better of him.

“What?” she asked evilly, crossing her arms over her chest, understanding Justin had used her for a cover. She didn’t know for what but frankly she didn’t care.

“You… you’re not really my girlfriend” he told her softly. She smiled.

“Do you want to tell them that?” she asked referring to his parents. Justin didn’t say anything, not liking both answers, yes or no they both sucked.

“That’s what I thought” she said knowingly, crossing her arms over her chest and watching amused to see Justin squirming.

“You know I wouldn’t mind pretending to be your girlfriend” she said innocently. Justin narrowed his eyes at her.

“What do you want in return?” he asked reluctantly, knowing how the world worked. He didn’t want to ask the question, actually he didn’t mind the question it was the answer that he was fearful off.

“Not much,” she started with a smile,

“Just what couples do… you know holding hands… touching…. kissing” she let him know, letting her tongue flicker over her lips, enjoying the taste he’d left behind.

“No!” Justin refused as a reflex not really thinking about the consequences. But he was roughly reminded of them when Tamara spoke up again.

“Fine, I’ll just go tell them we’re not really dating” she already started towards the sliding doors which would take her to the patio.

“No, no you can’t” Justin said quickly grasping her arm, if she told them they weren’t really dating he could kiss his time with Josh goodbye once again, when he just started seeing him again. He not only lied but he would no longer have an excuse to go see Josh. He knew he didn’t have a choice and so did Tamara. Although she had to admit she’d rather had him out of free will but hey if that wasn’t an option, it would have to go this way. She still wanted him although he’d turned her down several times. Tamara looked at the hand on her arm before shifting it upwards towards his face. A smile present on her face,

“So we have a deal?”

“No sex!” he told her and this was not negotiable.

He already felt like a whore for doing this and he wasn’t crossing that line.



“Fine” Tamara said, content with the deal they had. At least for now, she could always expand her demands it was not like he had a choice, she thought evilly.

“Then we have a deal” Justin mumbled reluctantly, praying Josh would forgive him. Wondering if he should even tell him as Tamara pressed her lips on his again.
