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This part is taken from a survey I filled out as part of a chain e-mail. I think it pretty much captures most anything you'd really want to know about me!

Your Name: Matt (or Matthew)
*Nicknames: m@tt, spazz, rich-kid
*Birthday: 3-14-83
*Zodiac sign: pisces
*School: UM-Flint
*color of eyes/hair: blue eyes/blond hair
*Height: 5'11"
*Pets: Chip, our new bird & Leo, the lizard

*Left the country: yes, Montreal, Canada & Cancun, Mexico
*Been so drunk u blacked out: nope, but i've passed out b4
*Gone out in public in your pajamas: just to take back cans & deposit money @ the bank
*Missed school b/c it was raining: no
*set yourself or a body part on fire: well, once my finger when i ran it threw a candle... long story, long recovery-period.
*Kept a secret from everyone: i am a man of many mysteries, well not really i just think that sounds kewl =)
*Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire: no, that's just stoopid
*Had an imaginary friend: nope
*Ever cried at a chick Flick: i plead the 5th!
*Had a crush on a teacher: "tilf"? maybe once!
*Done something stupid to impress your crush: always
*What was it: got really drunk... intent was to impress, but it had the opposite affect!
*Found a cartoon character to be hot: kinda kinky -- well... yea!
*At anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: nah
*Called or seen a psychic: nada
*Planned your week based on the TV Guide: nope, cept i did plan studying around "that 80's show" last wednesday (Comon' rubix cubes were kewl!)
*Prank called someone: definently
*Have you ever gotten car accident: yep, involving a pole in the Pavilian Parking lot @ UM-Flint.
*Made homemade fudge: nope, sounds good though

*Shampoo: Malibu "Well-water action"
*Soap: dove, i think my skins allergic to dial
*Colors: Blue, it matches my eyes
*Day/Night: Night owl
*Band/singer: led zepplin
*Type(s) of music: 70's rock
*Commercial: I dunno, the Gieko 1's kinda funny though -- "I'm a Gekko, not Gieko, QUIT calling me!" hahahah
*Type of sandwich: turkey sandwich w/ lettuce, tomatoe, light mayo & fresh sesame seed bread
*Coffee or hot chocolate: gots to have my COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE!!
*Cold or hot: Cold
*Big or little: U mean mine? That's quite personal but i'd say average.
*Here or there: here, theres no place like home
*Red or blue: blue
*New or old: new

*Do you have a best friend: i used to have just 1, but i think i have more then 1 now
*Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorites: no, i rank them alphabetically
*Who's your funniest friend: It's a tie b/t Tony & Yee (Yee's borderline crazy though)
*who do u go to the mall with most? Jenny
*Who do you e-mail the most: Billi
*Who have you known the longest of your friends: Jenny
*Who's the loudest: (well, other then myself) Tony
*Who's the shyest: Chanel
*Whose parents do you know the best: Amy J, but they think i'm retarded!
*Who do you have the most inside jokes with: Rochelle
*Who do you get the most surveys from: Rosie (w/ element 'zine)
*Who are you jealous of: Matt K (he can have anyone he wants, doesn't gain weight & he's tall)
*Who do you cry with: myself

Do you have a boy/girlfriend: nope
Do you have a crush: sorta, but i don't let anyone know about it cause it would never work!
do you love him/her: i dunno, that's alittle too PERSONAL!
Who (besides your boy/girlfriend, if you have one) have you liked the most? Brandi
Do you know who you want to spend the rest life with: i do, but (again) it would never work!!

*Cried: nope
*Helped someone: yep
*Cut your hair: yea, i acually JUST got a haircut today -- pretty ironic?
*Worn a tie: nope
*Been mean: yep
*Been sarcastic: NEVER! :)
*Gone for a walk: yep
*Gone to the movies: nope
*Gone out for dinner: yep (well, coffee w/ rochelle if that counts!)
*Said "I love you": nope
*Written a letter: nah
*Written a paper: yep for ENG 112 - 8 pg research paper :( thank god thats over... till next week!!
*Taken a test: yep, ECN 201 & CSC 152
*Met someone new: yea, new host @ applebee's (former place of employement) -- but i forgot his name
*Written in a journal: no, my unpaid therapist (Rochelle) says i should start one though! "Keepin' it real!"
*Watched your favorite movie? nope
*Given someone a present: nah
*Had a serious talk: yea, just got done talkin w/ Billi
*Missed someone: yep
*Hugged someone: yea, Billi
*Been Scared: not in the past 24 hours

*God: yep, i'm a pretty big fan!
*Yourself: sometimes more then others
*Your friends: some more then others
*Aliens: never really thought about it, but there's A LOT of universe(s) out there for human-beings if we're the only ones around!
*Love: yes!
*Destiny: yes, but i think u can help steer your own destiny through decisions & choices.
*Signs: yep, sometime just coincidences though
*The Closet Monster: nah, I was more afraid of what was underneath my bed!!
*One person for everyone: i dunno, i hope theres a person for me!
*That squirrels are evil: no, they're really just brown rats with better tails!

*Wished upon a star: never
*Laughed until you cried: looonng time ago, maybe?
*Played Truth or Dare: as sad as it sounds, i don't think i've ever played that game -- sounds fun though!
*Watched a sunrise/sunset: just on tv
*Spent quality time alone: Quite often, but i question the "quality" of it.
*Read a book for fun: after Christmas, about Nastradomous's predictions about 9/11 (Jenny got it for me) -- interesting stuff!
*Did you mean it?: mean what?? that's a dumb@$$ question!
*Lied to sound good: daily
*Ditched a friend for a guy/girl: not usually, friends are pretty important to me
*Did something out of character: prolly yesterday
*Showered: *today!*
*Ate a meal: couple days ago, i usually eat junk-food!
*what are you wearing right now: plaid-shirt & blue jeans
*felt lonely: quite often
*felt happy: today, now that the sun's out! (i enjoy natural-sunlight)
*wearing pajamas: last night
*talking to someone online: today
*ready for this survey to end: 16 Questions ago!
*How long did this survey take you: 15-20 min
*Do you want all your friends to do this and send back: It don't matter to me, but i do like reading them! :)