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~Friends For Life~

朱朱自覺好好彩, 有很多好好的朋友。 有些舊朋友雖已相隔10萬8千哩,亦可能甚少通訊, 但朱朱無把你們忘記ga, 我們的友誼, 朱朱會永記於心」

在此朱朱向一些已經再沒有聯絡的朋友說聲「對不起」,因為朱朱的懶惰, (但又經常用「生活忙碌啊」,「無時間嘛」作為藉口 …)  所以一直都沒有提筆寫信或typeemail給你們,

我亦都要向所有的朋友表達衷心的感激, 是你們令我的生命變得充實, 變得有義意!

多謝你o地啊 !=)


The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion...who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing--and face with us the reality of our powerless--that is the friend who really cares.
~Henri Nouwen

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. ~Anais Nin


   My best best friend


    HK friends


    HC friends


    TCYO friends


    UT friends


If I missed anyone here, I am sorry. It doesn't mean that you are not my friend,
it's most probably that I don't have a picture of you =)