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Welcome to PigPig's World

Hi there! 上面個隻豬仔係唔係好得意le...肥嘟嘟,又成日笑口常開...真係好cute ga.... (that's ME!) ^@^... hahaha~~~
好啦好啦,唔玩啦...我係邊個? 我就係朱朱lor... 好歡迎你來到我的 homepage!
今次係朱朱第一次寫個自己的 homepage, 有任何不足之處,請多多包涵 =P

In this webpage, you can find more about me =) Follow the links below to explore who I am!

Finally got all the pictures uploaded. But this is still a "newborn" site, so I will keep updating it, possibly adding more content or pictures, hopefully to improve my homepage =)