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List of projects 1998-1999


1) AIDS education and prevention

2) Anti-drug campaign

3) Medical coverage PANAS

4) Operation " free medical consultation "

5) Collection and distribution of medications

6) Operation PHASE (sanitary education)

7) Collection boxes for donations in pharmacies

8) Distribution of stickers " clean country "

9) Analysis of products of wide consumption (yogourt, milk, pop)

10) Reinsertion and aid for street children

11) Food banks for distribution at Christmas

12) Collection and distribution of clothes

13) Family planning and reproductive health

14) Collection and distribution of school books for girls

15) Help centre (widows, battered women,...)

16) Theatre " Monsieur Thôgô Gnini "

17) African House (African art distribution in other countries)

18) Magazine " Bien Etre " (Well-Being)

19) Radio Femmes Solidarité (Womens Solidarity Radio)

20) Operation " Disinherited families "

