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Assistance Universelle pour le DEveloppement

(Universal Assistance and Development)



AUDE is a non-governmental organization established in September 1991in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. On April 24, 1996, AUDE was declared a public utility by decree number 96-315.


The objective of this NGO is to promote and aid economic and social development through the creation of sanitary, educational and cultural programs striving to provide a better protection of the resources and well-being of the Ivorian people.


 List of projects 1998-1999


Believing that all programmes working to promote a better quality of life rely on an efficient strategy of communication, AUDE, in association with CAPE, Centre africain de presse et d’édition (African Press Centre), publishes a monthly magazine "Bien Etre" (Well-Being) and participates fully in the programming for Radio Femmes Solidarité, RFS, (Women’s Solidarity Radio).


 Women's Solidarity Radio

 Bien Etre Magazine


AUDE, as most NGOs, is run by volunteers. It is administrated and supported by a small group of men and women who bring together a message of responsibility and solidarity.




The objectives of AUDE drive us to be permanently available to the needs of the disadvantaged as well as in times of emergency.


Learn more about AUDE. You will learn to make yourself useful, to serve, and to relieve the suffering of others. It’s the fight for life.


Join AUDE to accomplish concrete projects of solidarity. You can give your time to help us help others. You can participate in our projects even from your own home!


Want to volunteer at AUDE?




To donate to AUDE, make cheque payable to:


01 BP 1977 Abidjan 01.

We also accept your donations of food, clothing, schoolbooks, etc.t;/P>


Email us at:


Or by mail:


01 BP 1977 Abidjan 01

Côte d'Ivoire

(225) 22 13 64

fax- (225) 22 13 66