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Danny Tan: He is my best fren at the moment. He is a cool guy and intresting person. He is someone comfortable to be with......

Samuel Chai: He is a challenge to mi in making hompages....he is a perfect at school.

Terry Yong: A very cute and funny person, he likes to draw little cartoon charcters. He is a nice person and quite hansome

Shihwai Chong: He is a computer expert and a nice guy...and he has infulenced the world wif DUUSSSS!!!! DOOS DOOS DOOS DOOOS!!!!!!!

Glen Tiaw: He likes to make jokes and he is very farnee!.....he has loads of things to say and takes intrest in many things.

Benjamin Teo: He is a naughty person but nice and talkative in another way.....

Shaun Lee: He asked me to put his name here

Moses_san: a very nice person =D and intresting

And all the people i forgot here and all the people whom i know on the mIRC

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