Billy Tauzin is under obvious pressure from the N.A.B. lobby. He does not support the Low-Power Fm proposal, citing "skin-head" stations as his reason (we do not agree with skinhead ideaology, but what happened to the first amendment?). It is important that you include a copy of your letter to him.
Other members of the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications.
Rep. Billy Tauzin, R.La., chairman of the House Telecommunications Subcommittee.
2183 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202)-225-4031
Colorado State Representatives:
Diana DeGette,(D-01), Colorado, on the Committee on Commerce.
The Honorable Ben Nighthorse Campbell
The Honorable Wayne Allard
The Honorable Mark E. Udall
The Honorable Tom Tancredo
1400 Glenarm Place, Suite 202
Denver, CO 80202-5050
Voice: 303-844-4988
FAX: 303-844-4996
6950 E. Bellview Ave, Suite 200
Englewood, CO 80111
Voice: 303-843-4100
FAX: 303-843-4116
DC FAX: (202) 224-1933
228 North Cascade Avenue, Suite 106
Colorado Springs, CO 80903-1322
Voice: 719-634-6071
FAX: 719-636-2590
DC FAX: (202) 224-6471
1333 West 120th Avenue, Suite 210
Westminster, CO 80234
Voice: 303-457-4500
FAX: 303-457-4504
5601 South Broadway, Suite 370
Littleton, CO 80120
Voice: 720-283-9772
FAX: 720-283-9776
DC Fax: 202-226-4623
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street N.W.
Washington DC 20554