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External Competitions & Exhibitions Diary

EHHPS hold several exhibitions of members work throughout the year.
Exhibitions represent an opportunity to show the fruits of your labours to an appreciative general public.

Members of the public are welcome to attend exhibitions and most competitions. Please check opening times with the respective venues.

External Competitions The Society requires your images in the immediate future for the following competitions:-

CACC Annual Exhibition 2002
- Slide of the Year (one slide chosen by EHHPS members)

- CACC Rosebowl Final
Slide closoing date 10 March 2002.
Event date
Sunday 7th April 2002 at Harrow Arts Centre
CACC Slide of the Year Closing date 10 March 2002.
Competition Sunday 7th April 2002 at Harrow Arts Centre
PAGB Inter Federation Slide Competition 2002
Put your slides up for selection to represent the CACC in future competitions
Closing date 8 September 2002

Chiltern 100 Print Competition
Travelling Chiltern area exhibition.
4 individual print entries. Open subject.
Closing date 2 March 2002.
CACC Best Panel of Prints by a club. Closing date 18 March 2002.
Sunday 7th April 2002 at Harrow Arts Centre.
PAGB Inter Federation Print Competition 2002
Put you prints up for selection to represent the CACC in future competitions
(prefered submission date 8 April 2001)
Absolute closing date 5 May 2002
7th Cotswold Photographic Salon, Gloucester.
Monochrome prints only, chemical and Digital. No entry fee.
Entry forms can be obtained from or telephone 01452 612547
Closing date 1st June 2002.
Exhibition: 20-27 July 2002 (10:00-5:00pm 7-days). Blackfriars Priory, off Longsmith St, Gloucester.

this link will show you the general rules relating to external competitions
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