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Acronyms on the techno-pagan net

Are you in a pagan newsgroup or mailing list? Are you new to the net? Are you confused by all the squished together capital letters you keep seeing in the postings? Here is a handy guide for the Acronym Challenged:


Originally posted (or so I read) on "tx.religion.pagan." borrowed from C.O.L.L., a fabulous site, BTW :)

ARD: Aradia
ATH: Athame
BB: Blessed Be
BBB: Big Blue Book (Buckland's book)
BC: Broom Closet
BRGD: Brigid
BLTN: Beltaine
C&A: Cakes and ale
CAW: Church of All Worlds
CDN: Cerridwen
CIR: Circle
CNN: Circle Network News
CNNS: Cernunnous

COG: Covenant of the Goddess
CTC: Casting the Circle
CVN: Coven
DDTM: Drawing Down the Moon
DNC: Dianic
DRD: Druid
FNDY: Fundamentlist Christian
HLNC: Hellenic
HP: High Priest
HPS: High Preistess
IMB: Imbolc
INIT: Initiate
ITG: Invoking the God
ITGS: Invoking the Goddess

LGH: Lugh
LKI: Loki
LLW: Llewellyn
LMS: Lammas
LTC: Lightinig the candles
LTI: Lighting the incense
MBN: Mabon
MGK: Magick
MM: Merry Meet
ODN: Odin
OSTR: Ostara
PGN: Pagan
SKCLD: Skyclad
SMHN: Samhain
STRHK: Starhawk
TFL: Threefold Law
THR: Thor
TRT: Tarot
TSD: The Spiral Dance
WASP: We Are Sexy Pagans
WCN: Wiccan
WR: The Wiccan Rede
WTN: Wittan
YUL: Yule


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