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When a person is performing meditation, or preparing for a ritual or rite, often it is neccessary for you to allow yourself a way to clear out any doubts or wandering thoughts. I call this centering and grounding because I approach this process in two seperate parts.
First, before I began anything else, I note my surroundings, make sure I'm confortable if I'm planning to meditate, and then I steady my breathing. Concentrating on breathing with steady shallow breaths helps one center.

Centering - I center myself by slowly bringing my awarness inward. I often focus on a center point somplace out beyond the end of my fingers. I picture a small ball of light, flickering. I let each muscle group relax starting at my feet and working upward. Always focusing on that ball of light (some people use a triangle or box shape to focus on - whatever you are comfortable with) Since we spend most of our lives focusing outward (towards other people, our jobs, the world around us), it may take some practice to become comfortable with this idea. This is also the time when you have the "wandering thoughts" - those things that just pop into your head, like what to make for dinner, the meeting you have next week, etc. The hardest part of centering is letting these thoughts come for a time, then simply putting them aside to focus on yourself and what you are about to do. I know, it sounds easy, but think of it another way - how many times have you tried to fall asleep and couldn't because these thoughts kept popping into your mind. Same thing, only your goal is to remain awake! Or at least, to relax enough for meditation, but not so far as to fall asleep. (Which does happen, more to some than others.)

Grounding - I see grounding as a two part process: first to allow any lingering negative thoughts to flow harmlessly away, and second to provide myself a stable link while I am working. For me, I start by connecting to the Earth through my feet. I see it as a cord of energy from my body that reaches down into the Earth, and a simalar cord that reaches up to me from the Earth, with the two cords weaving together. Through this cord I can allow any energy buildup to drain down into the Earth, knowing that it will be harmlessly dispersed, and I can feel the stability of the Earth. This is also a major point to remember when working magic: if you do not allow yourself an outlet for the excess energy you have built up, it will remain with you. This is why many Witches cast circles for magical workings; it contains the energy until released.


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