Alexandrian Tradition
Founded and based upon the teachings of Alex Sanders, in
England. Ceremonial Magick and the Kabbalah have been included
with the rituals of Gardnerian Wicca. Skyclad is a common
practice in ritual. As with other Wicca religions, the duality of
Goddess and God is recognised as and the Sabbats and Esbats
Asatru Tradition
Asatru is a Norse word meaning 'belief in the Gods'. This
tradition is very ancient with its roots in the historical
agricultural Vanir and warrior Aesir tribes of Scandinavia and northern
Germany. The main deities are the Goddesses Freya, Frigg, and the
Norns while the main Gods are Odin, Thor, and Frey.
British Traditional
Influenced heavily by Gardnerian Wicca and Celtic
traditions. Covens are co-ed and members train through a degree
process. Janet and Stewart Farrar are British Traditionalist
witches. The International Red Garters is British Traditionalist.
Celtic Wicca
Based upon old Celtic/Druidic practices, and ritual
Gardnerian design. The emphasis is placed heavily upon Celtic
deities, the elements, nature and the magic of trees.
Dianic Tradition
A tradition that worships the Goddess as Diana, as the
central deity. Female leadership is encouraged, though male
members are allowed into covens. Rituals are either skyclad or robed.
There are also some covens which are female exclusive and follow
a Dianic Feminist Wicce.
Eclectic Wicca
Basically a loosely based tradition which uses any
practices of other paths and incorporates them into their own
path. It is now quite a common and popular form of Wicca, as the followers
use what works best for them regardless of its source.
Erisian Tradition (Discordia)
A philosophy which believes that the universe is uncertain
and that natural laws are not everywhere and constant. Eris is
the Goddess of chaos. Discordia was rediscovered in 1960's by
Californians Kerry Thornley and Gregory Hill, who published a
book called Principia Discordia on their experiences. The
tradition also involves humour in its rituals. Similarly
Englishman, Austin Osman Spare, often called the father of chaos
magic, took chaos to a more scientific plateau.
Gardnerian Tradition
One of the first traditions in witchcraft to emerge into
the public eye during the 1950's. The teachings are based upon
the works of Dr. Gerald Brosseau Gardner, who researched much of
the history of the Craft and added them to his famous Book of
Shadows. Many traditions use his Book of Shadows, in a modified
form, as a basis for ritual practice.
Georgian Wicca
An eclectic Wicca tradition founded by George E. Patterson
in 1970. This tradition is influenced mostly by Alexandrian and
Gardnerian teachings and leans towards Goddess and God worship at
an eclectic level. Individuals work either skyclad or robed and
are encouraged to write their own rituals.
Kitchen Witch
Witches who practice around the home and hearth, and
incorporate magick and religion into daily life around cooking,
weaving, etc.
Pictish Witchcraft
Witchcraft developed in Scotland. It's followers are
solitaries and worship involves animal, vegetable, and minerals,
as aspects of nature.
Satanic Witchcraft
There is NO worship of "Satan" or
"Lucifer" in Witchcraft. These deities were created by the
Christian religion. A Satanic Witch is an oxymoron and anyone who
tells you otherwise, knows nothing about the Craft.
Seax-Wica Tradition
Founded in 1973 by Raymond Buckland, this tradition
incorporates Saxon lore. Covens have co-ed open rituals and are
either performed robed or skyclad. Buckland developed this tradition
without breaking his Gardnerian oath.
Strega Witches
A tradition founded by a witch called Aradia around 1353
CE. Strega can lay claim to being one of the oldest unchanged
forms of witchcraft. This tradition preceeded Garderian or Celtic
based religions and developed in Italy during Roman times.