This road that I have travelled is a road that many others have walked before me. It is a road crossed by obstacles, ditches, other roads and many other distractions. This road that I have travelled has seen many a great things, the least of which has been my humble desire to know my Goddess, my Spirit. Yet I trod ever onward, for my destination is Unity, Love.
I used to fear all the things that Wicca offers us: independence, self worth, responsibility, knowledge. I used to fear knowing myself, afraid that the things I would see would be rotten--or worse, superficial. I was afraid to take my life into my hands, to hold onto it, to make it something worth having. But when I finally gave my fears away, I let Wicca embrace me, for it was then that I realized how beautiful the Goddess is, and how much I look like her.
Yet, so do you.
This is the road I have chosen. It is not for everyone. It is not for those who don’t want to challenge the system, who don’t want to take control of their lives, who don’t understand how they, simple they, could be the Goddess manifest. When we’re taught all our lives that we are nothing, we learn to believe it. We cannot all come to terms with what we really are. Some of us may just be nothing. But I don’t really think so. They might be fragments of something great, scraps of the eternal moon, a shadow of a spiritual flame. But Nothing? No; even a reflection has worth. Even the Devil can be an angel in disguise.
This is the road I have chosen. I have lived a thousand years and died a hundred deaths, and I have faced my demons both large and small, real and imaginary. I have learned my name and earned my face and this is what I have to show for it. Strength, integrity, intelligence. The Goddess knows me and I know her. We walk together, and everytime I call on her, she responds. She has been with me since the beginning.
I am Witch. I am Witch, I am Faerie, I am Glory, I am Goddess. I am the Moon, the Sun, the Ancient, the Child. This is my world, this is my time.
This is the Road I have travelled.
If you have a webpage of your own, I encourage you to use this poem on your own page.(But please site me as the author). Use it in your covens and groves. Let it be a beacon and a calling for our fellows on this Road. Blessed Be.