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Alcoholism is a rather common disease in our country. It is very popular with our politicians when it comes to justifying higher and higher prices on alcohol, sales monopoly and banning home distillation. The idea is to make it difficult for the alcoholic to find his alcohol by closing the monopoly shops on Saturdays, keeping very high prices and prohibit home distillation. This is a proven way to increase consumption. Never was so much alcohol consumed in the USA as during prohibition days. This detailed control of people and their alcohol creates problems. Younger and younger people will start to drink, they want to revolt and to do something adult. There is nothing more adult than drinking alcohol. You get drunk, puke, feel sick, fight and get hurt. A young person can't do this at home.

Anywhere else in Europe he could taste some wine and beer at home and learn how to develop a social attitude towards alcohol. Here it is illegal, so you will have to drift away with the gang far away from all social control and help. Naturally you can't afford the government alcohol so you resort to smuggled alcohol or even bootleg unknown qualities. You will find yourself drinking too much and too often. All of this happening in your youth before you have developed a good judgment and character is nothing but a good start into alcoholism.

Alcoholism is a disease, it can happen to anyone. High prices, laws against home distilling, restricted availability on Saturdays have no effect on an alcoholic. He would not bother making his own spirit, it takes too much effort. He will buy severely overpriced smuggled alcohol from his local pusher, he will get his dose no matter what restrictions. Many alcoholics also prefer wine or bitter drinks rather than Vodka, that will save them the trouble of mixing. We do not have any fewer alcoholics in our country than in countries where it is legal to distill at home, rather some more.