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  • (email address)
  • (occupation) Mercenary/ Traveler
  • (name) Demise/ Esimed
  • (Age) ??
  • (eye color) Hazel
  • (hair color) Blond
  • (height) 5 foot 6 inches
  • (weight) 180 lbs.
  • (3 likes) Women, fighting, & weapons.
  • (3 dislikes) Spyre clan, magic, & twins.
  • (history) Not much is known about Demise/ Esimed, and he keeps it that way. He travels all around Monic. The strangest thing about him is that he has the old Spyre Tattoo on his back...

  • (personality) At times Esimed can control his emotions, but he can also let his emotions rule his life. Although he will help whoever pays the most, for some odd reason, he will help those in need of help, even if they have no money to pay him. People say that when he first appeared, he was wearing strange clothes and he acted odd.

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