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Character and Description Clan/ Occupation Email Address Current Location
Esimed No clan/ Mercenary-Traveler Swamps of Soun
Velgut No clan/ Traveling poet Between Regan and Vent
Torrent Spyre/ clansman Base in Swamps of Soun
Geist Ex-Sword's Edge/ wandering Swordsman New Rolin City
Juk No clan/ Thief New Rolin City
Click on the person's name to see a description of them.

Keep in mind the character locations are parallel to the current story.

Other Characters

This is a list of established characters, their names, and position in the world's social structure. Most all are NPCs (Non-player characters).
Name of Character Position
Spyre (DEAD) Leader of the Clan "Spyre"
Enrico Rico (DEAD) Member of "Kin Shi Tal"
Panther Leader of the Clan "Shadow/ KST"
Hyru Self Proclaimed god and ruler of Monic
Kinshiro (DEAD) Old leader of "Kin Shi Tal"
General Nage General of Spyre Espionage Corp.
General Sheen General of Spyre Stealth Corp.
General Foust General of Spyre Predatory Corp.
General Vira General of Spyre Versatile Corp.
General Kage General of Spyre Rampage Corp.
Beth Rose Serving girl at Traveler's hill and Ashdon Rose's sister.
Ashdon Rose (DEAD) Second in command of the Shadow-Tal Resistance and Beth Rose's brother.
Liam (DEAD) Velgut's friend and a villager of Regan
Ocule Torrent's direct superior in the Stealth Corp
Franklin Marsh A resistance member
Chal Fallot Owner of the tavern in New Rolin City
Ulrin (DEAD) Member of the Predatory Corp
Nazo Member of the Shadow-Tal resistance
Dar Member of the Shadow-Tal resistance
Nashgoln Traveling Minstrel and friend to Velgut
Shio A man on a mission to destroy the Omni Gem.
Eltek Member of the Shadow-Tal resistance
Selvix Leader of one group of Mantas
Gan (DEAD) Member of the "Boulders" gang in Ablan city
Brinna Lodd A girl living at Ablan city
Slade The resident leader of the Rico Gel trade in Hakido city
Minx Mysterious woman in New Rolin City
Jakahl evil man in New Rolin City
Vigult Swordsman traveling with Jakahl
Tarkan Brother of Vigult and a marksman
Eldear Leader of the Shadow-Tal unit in the Swamps of Soun
Jermel Leader of the Spyre Versatile Corps in Swamps of Soun
Hallin Spyre agent in charge of Vent
Hogran an evil poet friend of Velgut's
Jermel Leader of the Spyre Versatile corps in Swamps of Soun
Ulvin Member of the Spyre Stealth corps
Chak Member of the Spyre Stealth corps
Click on the name to see the FIRST story they appeared in.
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