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Harris Geist

  • (email address)
  • (occupation) Wandering Swordsman
  • (name) Harris Geist (everyone calls him Geist)
  • (Clan) Ex-Sword's Edge
  • (Age) 19
  • (eye color) Green
  • (hair color) Black
  • (height) 6 foot
  • (weight) 175 lbs.
  • (3 likes) Fighting, discovering lost information, and cutting off the heads of Hyru's statues.
  • (3 dislikes) Being alone, having to hide from Hyru and the Sword's Edge, and people who question his fighting ability.

  • (history) Geist, like many Sword's Edge members, was entered into the clan at a young age. He was a proud, rowdy kid who grew up fighting and learning his purpose, to be a warrior in the fight against Hyru and in the eventual conquest of Monic afterwards. As it turned out Geist had become quite a fighter. He took easily to the art of the Katana, and the ancient arts of channeling your chi through it. His only basic failing in the clan has been the basic good-naturedness they have failed to drive from him. Unbeknowest to Geist he has been watched since the day he entered the clan, and soon he will be given a special assignment...

  • (Personality) Geist is a good natured soul who has a soft spot in his heart for the weak and abused (i.e. just about everyone in this day and age), but he still likes to have some fun. Usually in the form of some vandalism against Hyru's shrines or Spyre's buildings. He also has a bit of a temper and tends to get into fights with those who call him weak.

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