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  • (email address)
  • (occupation) Thief
  • (name) Juk
  • (Age) 28
  • (eye color) Grey
  • (hair color) Black
  • (height) 6'5"
  • (weight) 196 lbs.
  • (3 likes) Foggy evenings, precious stones, birds of prey
  • (3 dislikes) Salesmen, felines, tight spaces
  • (history) Very little is know about Juk because he tends to keep to himself. At the age of seven, Juk was deserted by his parents and was forced to fend for himself in the wilderness. He surely would have perished had it not been for an old hermit who found him and let him live in his hut. Juk discovered that the old man had once been a great thief and sought to learn his ways. For many years he learned from the old hermit how to be silent and alert. On the old man's deathbed, Juk promised that he would use all that the old man had taught him. He has been doing that ever since.

  • (personality) Juk likes to keep to himself and does not like to draw attention to himself. He doesn't get along with most people, at least, until he trusts them. Juk is very good at what he does and carries the old man's short sword everywhere he goes. Anyone who crosses Juk is bound to get hurt, so many people tend to keep their distance.

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