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Twin Moons

Welcome to the great and proud amazon like warriors of the Twin Moon clan. It is a clan based entirely of women and are ruled by twin sisters. If you wish to join this clan, of course you can only be a woman. The few men that they do have are "slaves". These women all believe that women are the superior sex and wish to enslave all men and put the world under women's rule where it should be. They stop at nothing and are fierce fighters. Most of them wear the fighting uniform of the Twin Moons clan and have the distinct two daggers crossing symbol of the clan tattooed on the underside of their right arm.

The Twin Moons clan began after many years of women being oppressed. Men were mentioned in history a lot but not much thought was given to women. Women were there just to clean, stay home, and for the continuation of the species. Although an important job in this world, many women didn't feel content. Women thought they weren't appreciated as much as they deserved. It is true that women were never really aloud to fight, leave home, make major decisions, or participate in religion. Religion taught that women were inferior to men because the first and most powerful was "The Man". After a few years people and clans started coming around to accept women as more than just the maids and mothers of children. Women were eventually aloud to fight, make decisions, and participate in religion. This change was slow but it did come. After many women did the things that men did and thought for themselves, they saw what they could do. Many started to believe that they were better than men and could do things better then them. Especially a woman named Ravin. Ravin was master with a sword, a brilliant tactician, a marvelous cook, and mothered twelve children (two boys and ten girls). Ravin came to believe that without them men and the world would eventually die out. She also thought that they didn't really need men to fight, make decisions, or for religion because after all women could do those things and in many cases better. Ravin decided that men were only good to help continue the species and the fact that they were usually stronger than women was just so that they could better serve women and to take care of things at home. Ravin then made a clan to preserve these beliefs and to teach others. She took what she thought was ok in the followed religion of Monic and then retooled it to follow her thoughts more closely. Ravin called the clan Twin Moons in respect to the two moons of Monic and to worship (she believed) the Moon Goddesses. The Twin Moons clan has many different rituals to worship the moons and other things in relation to what Ravin taught. Over time the clan took on different beliefs. The one major that changed almost the whole clans purpose was the thought of women taking the world and making men their slaves. The major reason for this was the Acabodera Wars and other wars (caused by men). The women of Twin Moons believed they needed to save the world from men and bring it into an era of peace.

The Clan in the Year 1945

Totally wiped out in 1800 day 27 along with the Kinshou people and army. Hyru used his power to kill them all because they conspired and destroyed The Stone of Goth. See story update 32 for further information.

  • Clan leaders- Zena & Zana (BOTH DEAD)
  • Location- Nowhere
  • Symbol-
  • Moto- "Embrace the heart and burn the soul."
  • Established- 1235A.A. (after Acabodera)
  • Destroyed- around 1800A.A.