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  • (email address)
  • (occupation) Traveling Poet
  • (name) Velgut
  • (Age) 25
  • (eye color) Grey
  • (hair color) Black
  • (height) 5 foot 10 inches
  • (weight) 275 lbs.
  • (3 likes) Ancient literature, sleeping late, and quoting random scriptures to drunks and convincing them they are divine.
  • (3 dislikes) Hyru, priests, and being around people when the sun is out.

  • (history)When Velgut was 15, his parents were killed for refusing to pay their taxes. He left his hometown and has been traveling ever since, living off of charity and tips for reciting literature in towns he passes through. His closest thing to friends are several other travelers he occasionally meets.

  • (Personality) Quiet and intelligent, his demeanor bears the semblance of wisdom which he has not achieved. His youth and lack of social stimulation leave his people skills lacking. While able to spin lines of literary beauty, he is also capable of saying some tremendously stupid things. He has the scars to prove it, and he hates every last one.

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