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Most of you who know me (or you've just figured out from looking at my web pages) know that I'm a purple person. So why Green? Because Draygen looks funny in Purple.

Who's Draygen?

Well, Draygen is a Hydra, or a three-headed dragon. I have no idea what his real name is, but I call him Draygen, and he answers, so I figure it works.

I met Draygen one time when I was trying to contact my spirit guide, Magda. He was actually her hydra (if a hydra can ever really belong to anyone). To understand things between me and Magda a bit better, just go here: Mags.. Anyways, I was trying to get in touch with her, and she wanted to be unavailable, so she sent Draygen to prevent me from reaching her.

He's a sweet hydra, dispite what I read about hydras online.

When I first met him, he was blocking my way down the path I always took. I wasn't expecting a dragon (at that time I assumed he was a dragon over a hydra, because I equated hydras to seven or more heads). So here I was, with this dragon with three heads, laying in my path. The path, you understand, was like an entrance to a cave... and with a dragon there, you just couldn't go around.

So I asked him nicely, if perhaps I could get by him. That was when he told me Magda didn't want to see me just now. I just about blew up. (Once again, you have to understand Magda, to know the relationship we have.) Poor Draygen. I don't think he ever expected me to holler and cuss like that. One head lowered down very close to me, and asked "Do you always turn that shade of red when you're mad?"

Well, I must admit, having a dragon's head that close to me, and hearing him say it the way he did, I just lost all anger right then. Draygen and I started talking. He was really nice, and each head seemed to have it's own personality. It was neat, because I got three different views for anything I asked. (It was even funnier when the views were opposite, and the heads would argue...) And when I bravely asked if I could sit on his head, they fought over which one I got to sit on. I finally got to sit on all of them, and it was neat, because somehow, the whole cave looked different based on which head I was on. I really could see the world from three different angles.

I never asked him his name, because from what I already knew of dragons, he wouldn't give me his real name anyways. I went back several times just to talk to him, and we ended up forging a bond of sorts. That's when I started wondering...

What do I call him? Is it him or is it them or is it it? I just didn't know.

Well, something told me Draygen was a good name. But was that just for one head, or for all of them? I wasn't used to this, and didn't think it polite to ask. (Actually, Draygen found it most amusing, because dragons don't seem to find that sort of thing odd or uncomfortable.)

Well, I ended up in a chat room with a wonderful person who informed me that Draygen was a hydra. With that new bit of information, I realized I knew very little about dragons and hydras.

So I went and asked Draygen. I confessed my lack of knowledge, and told him that I was unclear as to whether he was one body with three heads, or three heads with one body. He informed me he was both.

That's dragons for ya.(Well, of course he's both...)

We finally got to the conclusion that I could call him Draygen, and refer to him as a single entity. Yet, I still know that each head has a different personality, and different take on a subject. Draygen, as a whole, is very dear to me.

Draygen has become my totem guide for astral travel and dream work. When I need to do some meditating, or traveling to a different time after meditating, or within meditating, I call on Draygen to help me. I know that he will keep me safe.

And the really kewl part is when he wants a scratch.

Draygen has given his permission for me to include things on other dragons here... so I can include the two cute dragon babies I adopted...


This cutie is Chance. Chance is a 2 year old baby dragon. I got Chance from here....


This adorable dragon is Firelight. Firelight is a 4 year old baby dragon. Firelight also came from here....

They'll be moving in soon, and I'll give you some information about them when they get settled in. I'll also include what bit of information I've learned on Dragons and Hydras at that point.