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Coaching Development

Kincardine Cross Country Ski Club has 5 fully qualified National Coaching Certification Program Level 1 coaches. Two are actively in pursuit of level 2. The NCCP program is encouraged for all Kincardine Cross Country Ski Club Youth leaders. Signing up to be a Jackrabbit Leader is an excellent way not only to give back some energy to the sport and your community, but also a way to further improve your own skiing.

Two Leaders also are certified by Cross Country Ontario as Level 2 Jackrabbit Leader Course Conductors. These 2 leaders routinely instruct new leaders in how to teach the techniques making the new Leader’s first coaching experience an enjoyable one. The confidence gained by the new Leaders enables them to take to the trails without any uncertainty. Currently, we are not active in this area. If and when we resurrect the Jackrabbit program, we will be interested in developing more coaches.

Bunnies Jackrabbits Racing Rabbits Hares

Trail System Coaching Development

Email: Larry