The Pomona Perspective-Feature: FCCLA preparing for district leadership conference
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FCCLA preparing for district leadership conference
      By Jennifer Blumberg
      Staff Writer

      FCCLA, what's that? Although FCCLA enjoys a long, proud history at Pomona, many of Pomona's newcomers and even upperclassmen are still not quite sure what exactly the club entails.

      Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is the only national school organization that focuses on family as its number one concern said district officer Sarrah Trager. It is a non-profit organization that has over 22,000 national members and was established in 1945.

      Pomona's chapter of FCCLA is a student organization sponsored in the Consumer and Family Studies Department. President Sarrah Trager, Vice-President of Programs and Events Juanita Davis, and Secretary Treasurer April McElwaine are the three district officers. Bobbie Stepp is the advisor; she handles the business matters.

      "She's (Stepp) very supportive, very on top of things and really likes working with kids. She's the reason I got in it (the club)," explained Trager commenting about her first hour, World of Work teacher.

      FCCLA is a two divisional club that helps youth build their career essentials and helps them become leaders, said Tragger. Club founders believe that a strong family is what is needed to get along in life.

      FCCLA consists of an occupational division (Stepp's first hour world of work class) and a consumer division (run by Patty Lancaster). FCCLA is still looking for people to join the consumer division.

      The club is currently preparing for the October 24, 2000, district conference in leadership.

      FCCLA also is working on a "Stop the Violence" project and raising money for El Jebel Shriners.

      El Jebel Shriners is a non-profit organization that collects funding especially for children's hospitals, said Tragger.

      Pomona's FCCLA has helped with AIDS walk for the past several years and is helping support the Jefferson County Community Band. The group will be involved with the annual Trick-or-Treat Street at Pomona as well.