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Here's some questionaires I filled out for some dating sites, that once I started kind of took on a life of their own. It gives a real good idea of who I am & where I'm coming from. But like most things in life it's subjective, it'll really peak your interest in me or not. Am I worth the look? Are you? Only your curiosity can answer that..

So now we get to the good stuff (as if the previous 365 chapters weren't enough)... This page is about my likes & dislikes about sex. So please refain from driving, operating heavy machinery, or carrying fire-arms &/or other explosive materials while handling the following. Oh & don't forget to wash your hands when you're finished...

  • What is your favorite pick-up line?
  • Hey there! Are you as rich & stupid as I am?
  • Hi, I'm a complete looser, wanna talk with me anyway?
  • Wanna date me? It'll raise your standards for the next guy...
  • Tell me: If I hit on you, are you going to break my arm like that last girl?
  • Hay! You look like a gal who's into goats & chickens! Wanna go to the farm with me?
  • My doctor says I've only got a few weeks to live. Treat me nice & maybe I'll put you in my will...
  • HEY BABY! I've just come off a bank robbing spree & I'm looking for a gal with no morals or inhibitions to blow all my money with till I get caught!

    Just kidding, I've NEVER used a pick-up line. For the most part, it's women who approach me.

  • How often do you like to have sex?
    Hey, no calories & all you can eat! So I'm up for it all the time.

  • How important is sex in your relationship(s)?
    As I've said before...

    This is probably THE main thing that causes problems in a relationship. OR makes it MUCH better. So it's best to be as up-front about it as possible from the start. It's one of our most basic needs & desires. It just feels too good to ignore or suppress. But ONLY with the right partner, otherwise it's just a waste of time.

  • Do you enjoy sex more at a specific time of day or is anytime OK with you?
    Anytime is fine by me, but first thing in the morning while you're barely conscious is pretty neat. Being woken up in the middle of the night with a girl on top of me isn't too bad either.

  • How would you describe your past sex life?
    My ex girlfriends weren't too adventurous. Not that I was bringing goats or salami's, or cheer-leaders, or whatever home. I just hate routine. I'm pretty creative & like to try new things, positions & places.

  • What part of your body do your sexual partners usually tell you they love?
    I constantly get comments on my deep blue eyes & I'm told I have a very sexy speaking voice, I also sing. I've got a hairy chest & am in good shape, so I guess that gives me a very 'masculine' look. I've got great legs 'cause I cycle regularly.

  • Under what circumstances would you sleep with someone on the first date?
    That happened only with my last girlfriend, we met at 2:00 & didn't start doing anything till 11:00. Mind you we could have started earlier (I was trying to be polite), we were together 9 months. But I still think you should get to know someone a while before...

  • Have you been unfaithful in a relationship? What happened? Was it worth it?
    I'd leave someone before I'd cheat on them. Either you're involved with someone or you're not. I don't believe in casual sex.

  • Have you ever played with toys or used sexual aids? If so, which ones and how did you use them?
    Oh, there's always plenty of things lying around the house to make life more interesting, no need to go to a store. Ice-cubes, mayonnaise, feathers, silk, marbles, blind-folds, parallel bars, hand-cuffs (they were a gift), you name it! Use your imagination kids, that's what it's there for.

  • What is your favorite sexual position? Why?
    I like it when a woman is on top, they seem to like it when I'm on top. Most women go nuts when I'm behind them (not anal), it's very primal. But I like eye contact, so a mirror comes in handy. Me sitting on a (solid) chair with her on top, facing me. With her legs on each side of me. A great way for her to stay in shape! With my legs tucked under me. Her feet flat on the bed on each side behind me. Her arms around my neck. A very intimate & sensual position, very indian/hindu.

  • What kinds of sexy clothing or undergarments do you like you or your partner to wear?
    Well for myself, there's nothing in particular. As for what I like on my partner. I guess tight, skimpy & leather sums it up pretty well. But hey, suprise me!

  • Have you ever visited an X-Rated sex shop? Who did you go with? Did you purchase anything?
    Those places are kind of a joke really, not very sexy besides the lingerie.

  • Do you own or rent X-rated videos? Describe a favorite scene from a porno flick.
    The first time I saw porn was at a friends placed & I thought, "What's the point? I'm going to go home & do this with my girlfriend anyway, so why bother with this?". I guess now & then you'll see something interesting to try out or some really hot bodies, but for the most part they're not very well done. It's all the same thing after a few minutes, not very sensuous or romantic.

  • When you think of ´Sexy,´ what and/or who do you think of?
    It's the whole thing, not just the way she looks, but how she moves. You can be gorgeous & still not be sexy, you can be average & make boys wet their pants. It's how someone looks at you, when they want you. How they smell, how they sound, how they feel, how they taste. But it's also very subjective.

    I have thing for slim, green-eyed brunette's, with an olive or tanned complexion. It gives women a kind of exotic allure (it's not a fetish, just a preference, I have dated blodes as well). Other men think that blondes are stunning. Some guys are into plump women. Let's not forget that a good part of what turns you on is in your brain.

  • What´s your favorite way to seduce someone or have someone seduce you?
    Another never ending question. The eyes are the window to the soul, as well as a few other body parts...
    Women love my voice. But by no conscious effort of my own.

  • What are the most sensitive areas of your body? Which are your favorites on your mate?
    On myself nothing in particular, besides the obvious. But women freak out when I nibble on their ear & bite their neck. Women are incredibly responsive just about everywhere, you just have to know when.

  • What are your favorite sexual activities?
    Don't you think that this questionnaire is long enough with out asking something like that?

  • What sexual activities would you like to try?
    Again WAY TOO MUCH! But here's one: Put a large plastic sheet on your living room rug. Get a bottle of cooking oil, a large mirror, put your Bolero CD on repeat & baste your partner & yourself. Mind you, I still haven't figured out how to clean up the mess afterwards...

  • Do you enjoy giving and/or receiving oral sex? Who is usually the aggressor, you or your partner?
    I love doing this to a woman for hours (they don't seem to mind either). But I still haven't meet a girl who could return the favour properly.

  • Can you achieve orgasm most or every time you have a sexual encounter? How important is it for your partner to also achieve orgasm?
    Well that's the basic idea of having sex, isn't it? Orgasm's (especially in women) can be pretty mind blowing. So not having one would kind of defeat the purpose of being there, no? It's just like having a bottomless box of chocolates, without the dentist bills. Women who don't think they can have orgasm's (or multiple orgasm's), just don't know which buttons to press. Or give up too early.

    HOWEVER: I practice Tantric sexuality (to read more about this click HERE & HERE), meaning that I don't ejaculate. It doesn't interfere with her orgasm, it actually inceases hers quite a bit. This type of sex borders on being metaphysical, as well as going on for quite a lot longer. Spiritually speaking, ejaculation (for men) is a big no-no. Semen contains 1000's of living cells which all die a needless death, wasted just for a moment of ecstasy (unless used for procreation).

    No, I'm not some kind of fruit-cake. This technique has been used as form of spiritual exercise for 1000's of years. You'll find plenty of info on this if you look for it. But for now, all you need to know is that it kind of makes it like the Ever-Ready bunny rabbit. It just keeps going & going & going...

  • To what extent have you experimented with Bondage & Discipline or S&M?
    I haven't really done this (yet). But I think I'd be more of a tie-er than a tie-ee. This sort of thing takes an enormous amount of trust & confidence in a partner. It's not something you'd do on a first date!

  • What, if any, are your Bondage & Discipline, S&M or top/bottom fantasies?
    Haven't tried it, seems interesting, but not to extreems. But if it makes you feel any better, I like the smell of new leather

  • What is your most secret sexual fantasy?
    Well, every guy wants to do it with 2 girls, but HEY! that's NO secret! Not that that's what I'm dying to do at the moment, but it's not exactly at the bottom of my list either.

  • What is your favorite outdoor sexual fantasy?
    On a foggy evening or morning would be nice. A hot sunny day out in a field or the woods. In water, in the rain, on a roof top in the city at night. Still haven't done any of this, it takes 2 to tango...

  • What´s your all-time record for sex in one day?
    Just me? Or with someone else?

  • How do others usually describe your best sexual asset(s)?
    Besides being somewhat insatiable, I really haven't had any complaints. But click here & judge for yourself...

  • If you could secretly watch someone, who would it be & what would they be doing?
    I believe there are laws against that... BUT: Mirrors with your partner let you see a lot more of what's going on, from a lot of different angles. Women who aren't into this, are indicative of not being comfortable with themselves.

  • If you could pay someone for sex, what would they look like, how much would you pay and what would you want them to do?
    I would NEVER, EVER pay for it.

  • Have you ever been involved with a swing club? If so, describe your favorite way to attend and what you would like to have happen there.
    I think people in those places are REALLY messed up.

  • What is the kinkiest or most outrageous sexual experience you´ve ever had?
    Nothing TOO outrageous so far (but that's subjective I guess). I supose doing it in the hallway was kinky. Once I had to use a video camera for work, guess what the first thing was that I filmed when my girlfriend got home? But hey, EVERYONE with a cam-corder & a mate has done that, so that's not too unusual. The first time time an ex girlfriend & I started going at it, the bed was near the window & the curtains weren't closed (we were a little distracted at the time). At least 10 other floors across the alley-way had a great show that night...

  • Have you ever visited adult sites on the Internet?
    If I see pictures of nice women (especially if they're well done, artistically), I'm not going to turn away. But I don't go out of my way for it at all.

  • Do you use birth control products or condoms regularly? If not, why not?
    Well no, not now because I don't have a girlfriend so...

    Condoms do come in handy (no pun intended). But seeing as I'm NOT promiscuous & I like to take my time getting to know someone, if you're being monogamous & practice Tantric sexuality (non ejaculation) then condoms aren't that important. Plus being spotaneous has it's merits to. However, that would be a decision that BOTH of us would make.

  • What are your feelings about abortion?
    Well, there's nothing like sucking up a defenceless, un-born fetus up in a vacuum cleaner to make a woman feel like she's in control of her own body, eh? Do my views seem extreme? Women are (legally) allowed to go around & slaughter & flush their own genes down a toilet & my views seem extreme? If you can't see your partner as being the potential parent of your children, then you shouldn't be banging away at each other.

  • Additional Comments:
    Making love is an art-form that is taken for granted by FAR too many people. Being intimate with someone is a special thing, my body is inside another persons. We exchange Kharma (spiritual energy, read up on it, you might get a big surprise), so I like to get to know someone first. Anyone can screw, very few people REALLY know how to make love...

    If you've had much more than 10 sexual partners, then chances are I won't be too interested in getting involved with you. Sound a little prudish? Let's do the math here, if you started dating in your teens & averaged one mate per year (give or take, including dry spells & longer relationships) then that should be about 10 or 15 tops. To say nothing of the Spititual & Kharmic energies that are exchanged in an intimate relationship. Not that I'm looking for a nun, but I'd rather that, than someone who's been banging the football team... Quality, not quantity.

    Are you an intelligent, slim, fit, happy, healthy, balanced & spiritual woman under 45 looking for a longterm, monogamous relationship? Someone with no phobias, traumas, issues with their co-workers, parents, or ex-spouse, no diseases or hang-ups? Someone who's content with life & just wants to share it with someone else? Then by all means, get in touch with me... To know more about me, see my homepage.

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