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Stories 1

ghost rocker

Long-term care facilities, hospitals, mental health facilities, these are all hotbeds for paranormal activity. From weird noises, doors opening and closing, apparently on their own, to “ghost” call-lights, and even actual sightings of apparitions.. These places seem to be frequented by specters. Many who are on shift when the lights go out can attest to strange goings on after dark. Here are some of the stories that I have had the pleasure to read, hear or experience first hand.

Neato Skeeto
I was working my regular overnight shift with another aide, We went into a room because one of the men kept yelling “Diablo aqua“!!! “Diablo aqua“!!! He had the look of a scared horse in his eyes (if you've ever seen this, you know what I'm talking about). Neither one of us spoke Spanish, and the man yelling only spoke French and Spanish, very little English. His roommate did however speak Spanish, and we asked him what he was saying. In a plain matter-of-fact voice, he said “The Devil is here”. That sent chills up both of our spines. Now I don’t know if he saw something, or if he was just confused, but it freaked the heck out of both of us,. This man had never before yelled anything like that. Come to think of it, he never did again. Just that night. He lived another couple of years before passing.

~Thanks Joshi, makes you really wonder what he was seeing.

Neato Skeeto
Well, you might think I'm crazy, but this really happened. I worked at a board and care where I did the cooking, ADLs, and laundry. It was a small facility with only 6 residents and at night there was only one on staff. I always cleaned the kitchen up at 9pm after I put the people to bed and every night as I swept the floor, I would hear someone there. I would go to check on the residents and always found that they were sleeping. After a couple of weeks of this happening throughout the night I decided it was a ghost. I decided to talk to it. I said, “so you must be checking on me, making sure I'm doing my job“. To my surprise, someone say “yes“. I was not scared, so I asked it some questions. He told me he was the owner and that he had died of some problem in his stomach. I delicately asked another aide who had worked there for several years who owned the place. She told me that the owner had died the year before from stomach cancer, that he became very sick very quickly and died. She also said that he was the sweetest man in the world and he loved the kids we cared for very much. From then on whenever I heard him, I would always say hello and jokingly say “so you are checking up on me again“.

~Unfortunately, the author of this tale did not leave his/her name. Still a great tale!

Neato Skeeto
Not really a ghost story, per sey, but still creepy. We had one of those residents which the Doctors had predicted to die days and days ago. Still she clung to life. On one night shift, 12pm rounds, I slipped into the room and told her“Its ok… Jesus loves you", I cared for her needs, and left the room. She looked the same that night as she had for the last week or so, and had the same vital signs too. I realized that I had forgotten to do something in that room, so 15 minutes later, I was back. Within that 15 minutes, she had passed. Of course, I have no way of knowing that she would not have passed anyway, still it was kind of creepy.

~Thanks Curtis, Kind of makes you sit up and take notice eh?
Neato Skeeto
I was a CNA at the time, and it was my own Grandmother's room I was sitting in...She was in the final stages of dying, and had been comatose/unresponsive for days. During the night, all was quiet, when suddenly she sat right up in bed, looked toward the door and said "Grace, when did you get here? I've been waiting for you!" Needless to say, there was no-one there. Later that afternoon, my Grandmother passed away peacefully. Did I mention that "Grace" was my Grandmother's best friend who had, herself, passed away several months previously? It gave me the chills!

~ I wish I could remember who sent this, so I could thank him/her, I was just going through documents on my computer, and found it.
Neato Skeeto
We recently lost a resident "Frieda" who had been miserable for the last few months of her life. She screamed and shouted constantly. She told me Christmas day that she wanted to die for Christmas. She lived until the middle of January and then one day I came in and she had passed away. In the two weeks after her death, multiple people have heard her screaming. Two nurses aides refuse to work that unit because last Monday night they saw and heard several of the ghosts on the unit.

~Thanks Chad, Almost nothing worse than a ghost that screams ...shudder... Hope Frieda finally checked out.
Neato Skeeto

I was working for a mortuary removal service, and was responding to a call at a nursing home at like 3:30am. Well, I was REALLY tired, and as I was driving/dozing off towards the care center I started almost dreaming, I was so tired I almost couldn't help it. Anyways, one of the images that floated through my head was that of me standing over the cot with the dead body of a young male with dark hair and weird legs. At the time I didn't understand what was up with the legs, but I didn't care either as I just shook it off along with all the other nonsense traveling through my brain and kept driving. When I got to the nursing home and up to the nurse's station for the paperwork, I noticed that the fellow I was picking up was not an old geezer like I had expected, but was an 18 year old. (or so- can't remember) When I got to the room I almost crapped myself because there was the exact face of the body I had envisioned on my way over there! After freaking out in the hallway for a little while, I went into the room and proceeded to wrap the body. That's when I discovered that his legs wouldn't straighten out. Seems he had several mental and physical issues that required his stay at the care center. I drove to the mortuary with the windows rolled all the way down, in the hopes that if he was "still there" he would have ample opportunity to leave and not come home with me!

~Thanks Jon! Man that's some crazy stuff!

Neato Skeeto

Here is a true experience that I want to tell you about. About 6 years ago I was working 3-11 in a facility just outside of Tampa, FL. I had a 87 year old Italian female resident on my assignment who expired just after we were done with dinner. My charge nurse whom was a male was in the room with me. He had to DC the feeding pump and Foley, so we were working together. Now we all know the rule about opening windows, for infection control reasons, at least we have that rule in Florida. The nurse said to me you're Italian, and I am Italian; you know what to do. So I just looked at him. since I was closest to the window, I opened it. Italian belief is the soul must be let out. It was a calm summer night , I felt what was like a vacuum so did he. It went right through us such that I can’t explain. It was a great feeling. I will never forget it. The nurse just looked at me and smiled “she’s gone” he said, and so we finished what we had to do. However, I would not let him leave me in there alone.

Thanks Jo! What a great story!

Neato Skeeto

Last night at about 3am I was called to the room of a man named "Lawrence" (Lawrence and his wife both live in the home where I work) He told me that there had just been 3 men and 1 woman in his room and that they were looking through his things he said that they told him they already had his wife ready to go and that they would be back for him and then they left thinking that he was just confused I told him to go back to bed and it would be OK I ignored this comment until about 4am when I checked on his wife "Harriet" and found that she had passed away sometime in the last 30 minutes while taking care of Harriet's things I was called back to Lawrence's room at 5am he said that the people had been back and they told him they were going to be back in a few minutes for him. He asked me to stay I told him that I had a few things to do and I would be back. About 15 minutes later I went back to Lawrence's room and found that he had passed away while I was gone. Spooky!

~Thanks Jamie!!

Neato Skeeto

Here's a good ghost story....I worked at this nursing home years ago on the night shift. A lady rang her bell and asked if the nurse was with me, (she's blind ) and I said she is not. She said she is upset at the nurse and told me someone kept pulling her sheets out, and she thought it was the nurse checking the dressing on her foot, and not talking to her. She also has a cat who was hissing at something inside the room! Needless to say I told her that I would be back. I booked it out of there, and asked the nurse if she had been in there, and when she said she had not been in recently, that's then I knew that it was something else. Ever since then, I ask somebody to go with me when I answer that room's light. Folks always say that cats see things which we cannot!

Thanks for the story Donna! Animals do seem to be more in tune with what is going on around them than people do! I would be scared to go back into that room too!

Neato Skeeto

This one is CREEPY! I was listening to Art Bell (a late night syndicated radio talk show guy) and I THINK it was on one of his "Ghost to Ghost" shows, when a caller told this tale. I will call him (the caller)"Jim". Jim is/was a CNA/Orderly at a state hospital where he lives (I do not remember which state)He was working the night shift (of course) and was taking his lunch. The hospital has a library, which he was in at the time of the incident. Jim was sitting there quietly reading a book, or something like that when he saw a misty figure. A moment later, he saw a person that was also misty looking, but dressed in the hospital's PJ's. To Jim's amazement, the figure said something to the effect of "It's time to go". The patient "begged" to not be taken, but the figure was not going to leave empty handed. Jim said that the feeling that he got was one of peace, though the patient clearly was not wanting to go. The two vanished. Now Jim, working nights figured that he MUST have dreamt this. There is no way that he could imagine that he had seen the "Angel of Death". He shook it off and continued to read. About fifteen minutes later, however, his pager that he had to wear went off. When he got to the ward that had called (apparently, he had to answer to many wards) he was told to prepare a body for the coroner. When Jim went in to do said duty, he saw the same man in the bed (dead, of course) as he had in the library.

Neato Skeeto

This one is a little less scary. It takes place on the night shift as well. A friend of mine told me this one. In a nursing home that he was working, a little lady (let's call her "Mildred") was in a semi-private room. Her roommate had taken ill, and was not expected to live much longer. Mildred pulled her call light, and when my friend "Matt" came in, Mildred said "There's and angel over there" and motioned toward her roommate's side of the room. Matt asked if she was scared, or wanted to be moved, but Mildred said that it was ok, but she wanted Matt to know. That night, Mildred's roommate passed away. So it goes that Mildred got another roommate, that was also sick. About a week later, the exact same thing happened, Matt answers Mildred's call light, Mildred sees an angel, and the roommate passes away. It came to pass that Mildred got ANOTHER roommate, also very sick. Matt seeing a pattern, goes into Mildred's room and asks if she sees any angels, but there are no angels to be seen. Matt then asks Mildred to let him know if she sees any. She agrees. The night passes with no angel sightings. The next night, Matt does the same thing. Still, no angels. Night after night, Matt asks Mildred to let him know if she sees anything. Mildred did not see any angels for this lady, her roomie, and as it turned out, the roomie got better, and went home (her Earthly home that is). Mind, Mildred had no idea what the condition of the roommates were, other than the fact that they were sick. I cannot imagine that Mildred GUESSED both times the exact night that the roommates would pass away.

Neato Skeeto

Just the other night, I went to answer a call light in a resident's room to find out that she wasn't even in the room, and just as if someone knew I was going to answer the light, it went out.

Thanks Debra! This one is especially scary since every call light system I know about requires that you turn if off IN the room, not from a remote location (such as the Nurse's desk). Something was in there with you.

Neato Skeeto

Ghost pic

A BSN told me this short one. It takes place in Greeley Colorado. "Sue" works in the Alzheimer's unit, so when she came out of a room and saw a face peeking out at her from a room across the hall, she was not shocked. However, the residents in that room were not able to walk, and she wanted to get the wanderer out, and back to the proper bed. When she started toward the door, it shut. When she opened it (seconds later), BOTH residents that belonged in the beds were there, and a search of the room turned up no out of place residents! She only saw this "ghost" once. At the same place apparently, the front door (which has one of those buttons located next to the door to open it)will open at about the same time each day, without the help of anyone there. Those that have been there for a long time think that it is the ghost of a resident that lived there for a long time, and would always go out at that time of day. They smile, and call her by name when the door opens. I have never seen this, and am a bit skeptical, but it makes for a good story.

Neato Skeeto

Debbie L, a CNA writes this this story: I was working the midnight shift one night when a not- very pleasant woman named Mary in a private room rang her call bell. I wasn't looking forward to going in there because Mary was one of those residents that was very picky and had to have things a certain way. But I went in and gave her the bedpan. The rule at the nursing home was that her light had to be answered very quickly. Her husband had complained, so we even had a time sheet in her room. Anyway, when I left the room I shut out her bathroom light and closed both doors. Like I said she was a very picky lady and I would not have made it out of that room without doing it. When I left the room, rather than walking all the way back up the hall, I just waited outside the room. I had to get her light as soon as she rang, so by the time I would have gotten up the hall I would have had to come right back. So I stood outside the door and when I saw the light I went right in. I took the bedpan from Mary and she said "What were you doing in the bathroom?" I looked up and saw the light was on in the bathroom and the door was open. Mary was a fairly young woman. She was in the nursing home mainly because she cant walk.

Thanks Debbie! I'll bet that gave you the chills!

Neato Skeeto

"TJ Wrote this one... I had been working as a CNA on the night shift (of course) and was doing my rounds on one of my halls. I went room to room, doing my duties, etc, when I came to a room where two independent residents lived. My only duty in this room was to make sure that they were both there and breathing. I did this, and on my way out something happened that scared me to death. I had just checked those residents and was about to leave the room when I heard the sounds of a walker moving across the floor behind me. I could actually feel the vibrations from it on the floor. I figured it was just one of the residents getting up to use the toilet. When I turned around, I saw that both of the residents were still in bed, and had not moved. The sound continued for a good five or six seconds. After I crapped myself, (Just Kidding) I walked out and spoke to one of the other CNAs on the other hall. I was white as a ghost, and she explained to me that I was not the first to have witnessed that incident ! in the room. A number of other aids had experienced the same thing. Needless to say, there are some restless souls keeping a watch on us, and the residents while they sleep.

Thanks TJ!! I dont think I would ever want to go back into that room!

Neato Skeeto

I work in a facility that has the "I have fallen and I can't get up" type call bells. The resident pushes the pendant button, it calls the 'puter, then our pagers. Well, one Saturday, we received a phone call from NY, the place all the call go through to be processed, that 'Mrs. Jones in room 233 is ringing for assistance'. Well that particular resident had passed away about one month before, and there was no pendant or unit in the room to send the signal, not to mention phone service in that room, which is needed to make the call for help!

Thanks Julie! Great story!!

Neato Skeeto

Personally, the most ghost action that I have had (at a nursing home that is) was the ghost call light thing. There was a man that called frequently (to put it mildly) who lived in a room almost at the end of the hall (why do all the frequent callers live at the END of the hall?). The night he died, the call light came on. He was in no condition to press the call light just before he passed away, and he had no roommate. For many months after he passed (with no new resident in the room) the call light frequently came on at odd times of the day and night. During the day of course, the light could be explained away (people playing tricks, wanderers, etc.) but at night, I worked with a no-nonsense RN, and one other aide. The light would come on with both of us sitting there. Now those wanderers can move pretty quickly, but not so fast as to get in, and out without being seen (or seen leaving the scene). No, this was either a ghost or faulty wiring, which was eventually checked and found to be “normal”.

Neato Skeeto

Do you have an interesting story that you would like to see me post? If so, please send it as I love reading stories that involve the super natural.

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