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Zucchini-Cranberry Bread

animated rings

Zucchini is associated with the universal energies. This, combined with the safety provided by the cranberries (and their red color), makes this an excellent bread for personal warding, especially in the astral realm.

2 medium zucchini, shredded
2 ½ cups sugar
2/3 cup vegetable oil
¼ cup milk
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons grated orange peel

3 cups whole wheat flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup cranberries, chopped
¼ cup chopped nuts
½ cup raisins (optional)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease the bottom of a 9x5x3-inch pan Beat the zucchini, sugar, oil, milk, eggs, vanilla, and orange peel in a large bowl using an electric mixer. Mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a small bowl. Stir the dry ingredients into the liquid. Fold in the cranberries, nuts, and raisins. Pour into a loaf pan. Bake until a knife inserted near the middle comes out clean, about 60 minutes. Cool before serving.

Yeild: 1 loaf

Variation: On Samhain, substitute 1 (10 oz) can of pumpkin for the zucchini. For fresh exciting love, replace both the zucchini and the cranberries with 3 cups finely chopped rhubarb.

Magickal Attributes: Psychic and spiritual protection.

Celebrations: Any rite for the dead, Samhain, Festival of Brightness, Royal Oak Day, Riding the Marches.