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Rose Geranium Punch

animated rings

It is said that the prophet Mohammed brought this shrub-flower into existence when he threw his shirt over a mallow plant to dry. Under the rays of the sun, a marvelous transformation occurred to honor Mohammed; in the place of the mallow, a beautiful red flower bloomed. Yellow is for psychic insight while pink is for romance and health. Five is the number of awareness and mystical endeavors.

4 cups apple juice
1 cup sugar
6 rose geranium leaves
4 limes, sliced

5 drops yellow or pink food coloring
6 apple leaves (garnish)
Geranium petals (garnish)

Simmer the apple juice, sugar, and geranium leaves for 5 minutes. Add the limes; cool. Strain. Mix in food coloring. Serve over ice. Garnish with apple leaves and geranium petals.
Yeild: 4 servings.

Variation: Green food coloring may be used to encourage spiritual growth. If desired, 6 whole bay leaves or 3 peeled and diced citrons can be substituted for the geranium leaves.

Magickal Attributes: Prophesy, well-being, insight, love, service to others.

Celebrations: Hallows, Sunning of the Buddha, Sealing the Frost, Kamehameha Day, Handsel Monday, and before initiation or any divination efforts.