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Current Events

Mortal News
Sunset News
Influence Rumors

Mortal World

· The current ruler of Constantinople is Leo VI. Leo VI, also known as Leo the Wise, justified his title by writing a manual on military tactics and becoming an authority on witchcraft. He was educated by the Byzantine patriarch Photius and had been made co-emperor to his father Basil in AD 870. Under him the empire prospered. The fleet was strengthened and on land the Bulgars were kept at bay with the help of the Magyars. Though eventually concessions needed to be made and in AD 896 Leo VI agreed to pay an annual subsidy to the Bulgar king Simeon. Leo's wish for a male heir though led him into conflict with the church, as he married four times.

OOC Note: The city is currently held under Christian rule. It won't become Muslim until well after the Crusades, sometime in the mid 15th century.

In an effort to eject the non-Christian people within the city, Leo VI made two declarations:

First, to increase the might of the military, men who are not Christian have been conscripted to the army and sent to expand the borders of the Byzantine Empire and protect them from the Bulgars.

Secondly, a tax has been levied against the non-Christian families. Through this law non-Christian citizens had to submit, without the right to appeal, to the discretion and arbitrary judgment of the ruler's tax clerks. The tax clerks, in turn, were instructed to appraise property at amounts many times over the actual value of each property. Then, if the individual concerned was unable to make payments of the enormous tax share, the property was seized and the unfortunate owner was conscripted to the military.

Sunset News

· The Grand Meeting to resign the Accords fast approaches in the Spring. This will symbolize each Quorum's dedication to protecting the city from the ravages that awoke Leviathan so long ago. Preparations are being made by each group for this event. Gifts, as peace offerings, are given from leaders to leaders. These often are attempts at left-handed compliments and private insults as there is still the age-old rivalries between groups. While they sincerely keep the peace, these creatures are not without their predjudices.

Influence Rumors
Anyone with any influence in the city can get all basic rumors.
To gain more insight, you must possess the mentioned influence.

· A few of the seized properties along the water front have been demolished. A church is being erected in its stead. The Church of the Holy Waters sits on the western lands of Constantinople, at the very tip, facing out towards the Tower of Leander. The symbol for the church is included below.

(OOC: Anyone with any influence in the City – Must have an influence of 1 in any area to now about this. Anyone with Church x 1 can get more information.)

· The city guard has recently been having more and more problems with Gypsies entering the city. Nothing is formally being done at the moment, but Leo VI is not pleased by the circumstances.

(OOC: Anyone with any influence in the City – Must have an influence of 1 in any area to now about this. Anyone with Political x 1 can get more information.)

· A strange beast has stalked the lands outside the walls of the city. A few mortals have dies outside the walls at night. Normally this would not be enough to concern the ruler, but the gates leaving the city have been closed at night now.

(OOC: Anyone with any influence in the City – Must have an influence of 1 in any area to now about this. Anyone with Occult x 1 can get more information.)

· The palace has fewer and fewer visitors. Less people are being allowed in and Leo VI is not commenting on why this is the case.

(OOC: Anyone with any influence in the City – Must have an influence of 1 in any area to now about this. Anyone with Court x 1 can get more information.)

· Some creature has been stalking the city inside the walls. This creature is desribed in a completely different manner than the one accompanied by the Green Man. Rumors say that it is a jet black dog with glowing eyes.

(OOC: Anyone with any influence in the City – Must have an influence of 1 in any area to now about this. Anyone with Occult x 1 can get more information.)

· Stange men with strong accents, pale faces, and gaunt features have entered the city and are currently staying in homes of several of the noble families. This would normally be something of little concern, save for the fact that people are whispering about encounters with these men.

(OOC: Anyone with any influence in the City – Must have an influence of 1 in any area to now about this. Anyone with Court x 1 can get more information.)

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