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This home grown Texan, was born on the eve of march 8, 1983. The date of a palindrome (3-8-83) He was mark as failure near his beginning, which seem to have followed him until now. He has moved seven time trough four different states where he now resides in the rectangle known as Colorado. Moving has given him as a keen mind for the unusual. He got to see the ocean at a young age when he left to live in South Carolina. Seeing the beach and noticing the Civil War history that entraps the land gave him a new look towards life. "I might be a failure, but at least I don't look like you" was his slogan. As life is like a current and is always flowing it dragged him to the high peaks of Colorado. Never giving any though to a carrier in a artistic field had never passed through his mind. Through 7-9 grade he never really tried any serious art programs, but he still had a creative nack. When his parent forbid him to use any of the power tools he had to find another way of the letting of his genius. Finding a helpful club at his high school he fell in love with a style of art known as most of the world as Japanese animation, or Japamation. This added fuel the the squelched fire, his interest then was lead to the Internet where he now resides 3/4 of his life to. Finding other sorts of art one that tickled his fancy where a subject know as 'FURRY' or it is also known as 'Anthropomorphic Animals' adding many new techniques to his art from the awesome J. Bernal and the cute Beth Blackburn. Has come to accept his art as it appears today.

Interest in the internet alone has spun many webpage of his that all declare his likes and taste of hobbies. Computers are now wedged into he life "Separation from these tools would turn me into a lifeless shell of mucous". This unhealthy obsession has branched out so unexpectedly in his life that he has spend over Seven hundred dollars of his own money to take classes at ACC, The local community college. "It was the most expensive addiction that I have ever had..." He then goes on to talk about another addiction with a Role Playing game that is played on line " ..., but it is not as time consuming as others, Like EverQuest. I lost my junior year to that game." When he is not at his computer hacking away at some code you could find him at local hang outs which are usually open all night.

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