National Campaign for Firework Safety


The National Campaign for Firework Safety welcomes you to our website.

Annual Report 
Annual Reports from  1989 to 2001

Campaign History
How the campaign began

Child Labour and Slavery
Details of the connection between fireworks and child slavery

Firework Bill
Information on the current Firework Bill as it goes through parliament

Firework Code
Details of the Firework Code

Firework Display Safety Code
Details of the Firework Display Code

Firework Forum
You can have your say on Firework Safety

Firework Seminar February 18 2003
A report on the Firework Seminar entitled 'Fireworks - What's their future

How you can help us
We need your help, here is how you can help us.

How you can join us
How you can join the foremost Firework Safety Campaign in the UK.

Latest News
Catch up with all the latest news on Firework Safety.

Letters to Send
Here you can download a letter to send to Consumer Minister, or your MP.

Link's Page
Your link page to other sites

Medical and others Reports
Medical Reports and others about the dangers of fireworks

Noel's Page
Noel Tobin, Director of NCFS, writes a personal page from his viewpoint

Parliament Pages
What has been said in parliament from 1989 until now

Scientific Reports of the pollution fireworks cause

Press Releases
Periodically, the Campaign issues press releases

Read All About It
What has been written on the subject of Firework Safety since 1999

The Campaign's surveys, and others, on firework safety

UK Injury Figures
The UK Firework Injury Figures from 1973 up-to-date