National Campaign for Firework Safety
Our aim is to promote the safe use of  fireworks

Press Releases

From time to time the Campaign issues statements to the newspapers.  Here is a record of these press releases

Press release June 9 2003
Just how loud should fireworks be? The RSPCA say 95 dB should be the maximum, because this is the level where animals should be made to tolerate, but just how loud are fireworks.

Press release June 4 2003

We have been asked to make a press release on Noise Action Day, Wednesday June 4th 2003.  The release entitled 'One man's sound is another man's noise' shows how noisy fireworks of today have become.  There is an increasing danger to everyone's hearing with normal day to day activities, without fireworks becoming louder.  Noise has, for a long time, been a problem for everyone.

Press release April 29 2003
The National Campaign for Firework Safety welcomed the United Kingdom's Noise Association's Noise Survey released today, Noise Awareness Day.  The UKNA survey of MP's showed firework noise to be top, with 50% saying they thought firework noise was a main concern.

Press release February 27 2003,
On Friday February 28 2003, Parliament will begin a second reading of Bill Tynan's Control of Fireworks Bill.  It promises to deal with the subject that has made MP's postbag bulge for years. Fireworks.

Press release October 20 2002,
Now that the Firemen's strike has being confirmed, we would urge all organisers of bonfires and firework displays to contact their local Fire Brigade.
Discuss with the fire-fighters your plans for the coming Guy Fawkes. Now is the time to iron out the problems. Ask the Fire-fighters to carry out a site inspection, and go through with them your plans of the event.

Press Release for October 15 2002
The Consumer Minister Melanie Johnson has turned her back on the public.
The public that has wept for Megan, the dog killed by a firework, in Middleton, Greater Manchester, on Thursday 10 October. The same public that has cried out to be heard in the corridors of power.
We want to be heard above the noise of fireworks.

Fireworks Survey Statement by Noel Tobin, 14 October 2002
At a time when the Government and the firework industry are telling us of their concerns for the victims of firework accidents, and the Noise and Nuisance of fireworks, we show in Surveys published today how nothing has changed.

Press Release for October 1 2002
For the attention of the News Editor
Notice of Release of two important Firework Surveys, carried out be The National Campaign for Firework Safety.
The Surveys will be released, by Mr Noel Tobin, Director of the National Campaign for Firework Safety, on Monday 14th October 2002.

Press Release for Friday 15 March 2002
On Friday 15 March 2002 there will be a meeting at the House of Commons.
COFFAW, Control Of Fireworks for Animal Welfare, have arranged a meeting to coincide with the second reading of the Firework Bill presented by Barry Gardiner MP. Unfortunately Mr Gardiner's Bill will proceed no further due to lack of parliamentary time.

Press Release for Wednesday 27 February 2002
NCFS supports  MPs Bills for Firework Reforms
The longest operating firework safety campaign in the UK the National Campaign for Firework Safety, which began in November 1969, is supporting the first of 3 Bills coming up in the House from next Wednesday 27 February.  Three MPs have put forward Bills.

Press Release for Tuesday 9 October 2001

Press Release for Monday 12 March 2001
41 Children killed assembling fireworks in China, Campaign calls for all imports to be suspended
41 children have been killed whilst assembling fireworks in their Primary School in the village of Fanglin, China, on behalf of a firework company.  The Primary School allowed children to be involved to supplement the income of the School.

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