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Railway Friends Society - Belgrade

Main Station

RFS gathers enthusiasts and railway fans. With short interruptions, it exists for more than 26 years! This organization was founded long time ago, on November, 18th, 1971 and is, at this moment, a unique organization of this kind in Belgrade, and one of the few at Balkan Peninsula. Organization brings together enthusiasts interested in history and development, modeling, scale model and collection making, all related to railways.

Its main objectives and scope of activities are as follows:

  • to foster interests in propounding theory and know-how in the field of railway traffic, including history and future railway development,
  • to broaden tehnical knowledge in the field of railway construction and operating and to take initiative and foster interests in further railway development,
  • to promote the railways by lectures and exhibitions,
  • to increase constantly the number of members and to cooperate with organizations dealing with similar activities in the country and abroad.
  • to promote the railway modelling, through lectures and layout construction.

Nowadays the Society numbers more than 50 active and honorary members and that membership is constantly growing. RFS organizes its activities through the following sections:

  • miniature railways section
    • railway models subsection,
    • scale models subsection,
  • work with youth,
  • railway history and development,
  • photo and video section,
  • excursion and tourist section,
  • stock market, service and finances,
  • publishing and culture (exhibitions, cultural program, etc.).

The society possesses its scale model, as well as enviable collection of books and technical reviews related to railway traffic.

For many years RFS cooperates successfully with Railway Museum in Belgrade and that cooperation is further developed and expanded through numerous activates, as follows:

  • repair and maintenance of museum scale model,
  • assistance in arranging the memorial collection of narrow tracks in Pozega,
  • common lectures and projections of video and film materials, etc.

At present, meetings of RFS are held every Tuesday, from 17:30 to 19:30 in Belgrade Central Railway Station, Savski trg 2.

The members of the Society during the visit to "Zelvoz" factory, in November 1999.

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