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The Cheeseman Yes Indeedy
Ok I think I got the hang of it now. I can do eet. You Might be wondering cheese? You know what you are starting to tick me off with your whiny little voice. Ok but I will tell you anyway because Evil Stresscow is poking my back right no with his plastic dinky...I mean metalic and sinister sword. Cheese man is really "plastic" cheese, he is made from a packet of dried cheese. Yes the cheese is still in him and still jumpin with flavor...yup you can see the diagram at the bottom of the page, yes all the way down there. There where three cheese"men", first one was baked in the oven, owww nasty smell there. second, was shot with many darts from a blowgun all the cheese fell out, wait I need to broaden my vocab here, all the crap fell out, ok I'm good. And last, is the current one and he is just mopeing around because bart hasn't sent him on a mission for a while.
See a "diagram"(for fancy words)
and some more,mabye