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Keith's Holiday

Hi there................

This is SNAPDRAGON and his girlfriend !

Welcome to my holiday pics...........

I arrived in Wellington,N.Z. on Wednesday, January 19th at 3.15. Virginia snapped me as I left customs...

On Friday night Aaron (Virginia's youngest son) put down a hangi (Maori style of cooking in the ground) as a birthday celebration for Virginia

Link to My Levin pics

All four sons and their families were present for the wonderful meal.

On Saturday the annual Agriculture show was on in Levin so we went along to look at the animals and stalls. In the evening there was a rock'n roll concert that brought back a lot of memories.

Then Sunday evening we went to a cushion concert at the Foxton airport..Angela Ayers sang and also some other artists from Hamilton NZ.

On Monday 24th we went to Lake Papaitonga for a walk

Lake Papaitonga is a small lake situated 3 miles south of Levin and about one and a half miles west of the main highway at Ohau. An island on the lake was the stronghold of Te Rangihaeata. The islet is manmade and called Papawharangi and was a fort or place of refuge. There is a larger island which is a wooded hill and bears the same name as the lake.

Here is a view of the Lake with a NZ cabbage tree on my left.

On Saturday morning Aaron took us out in an inflatable boat fishing at Hokio Beach (this is 4 miles west of Levin on the coast - Tasman Sea)

We hooked a red cod and two sharks but they broke the lines and then Aaron caught a shark - which is pictured in front of Brent's red car - a Nissan "Fairlady".

On Tuesday afternoon (February 8th) we visited a tourist park OWLCATRAZ that even has the old Shannon jail on the property.

It is situated 15 mins drive east of Levin.

Most of the birds and animals have appropriate names.

Check out my holiday to the South Island, NZ

Special thanks to the following sites for free use of their Images:

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