What This Journal is All About

This is where I will be putting things that I need to keep available for my own use way beyond the time when news sources keep pages on the Internet, and for people to see and read but which don't necessarily fit anywhere else; personal information, pictures to share, clippings from news sources that may not be on the Internet more than one day. This site will be like a "scrapbook where I save items that will not remain long on the Internet. It is not meant to be a public web site although there will be times when I send people here to see the things I believe are important.

Child and Parent Abuse

All Children Are Crazy:
During the 1973 International Education Seminar, Harvard psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce, speaking as an expert in public education, said: "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well by creating the international child of the future." So does anybody wonder that they're now trying to have each child examined as he/she enters school to see if he/she is crazy? This article tells you about it.
Child Protectors Force Parents to Accept Homosexuality:
If your child decides he might be homosexual and you take him to a psychiatrist for help, you could lose that child to the DSS. We've witnessed cases where DSS became involved with families because there was conflict between the parents and adolescents who wanted to be free to become active in the gay lifestyle at the ages of thirteen and fourteen. There were no beatings or physical assaults, but the fact that the parents didn't accept their children's wishes and "support" them provided grounds for DSS to remove the children and place them in gay foster homes. A tragedy, but true.
Child Protectors and Nazis; Ominous Parallels:
This is a reasoned, factual account of the "ominous parallels" between the methods and tactics of the child protectors as compared to the "Lebensborn" program in Nazi Germany. That program was designed to establish the supremacy of the German state over the children of the country while examining children and adults to see if they were "desirable" people.
Cuba/U. S. Cooperate to Snatch Elian Gonzalez and Fool Americans About It:
This article in "The Washington Times" gives details on how Clinton and Castro collaborated to snatch Elian Gonzalez from his Miami relatives in defiance of a court order giving them custody, and on how to fool the American public on the "whys and wherefores" of the Gestapo raid.

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