What This Journal is All About

This is where I will be putting things that I need to keep available for my own use way beyond the time when news sources keep pages on the Internet, and for people to see and read but which don't necessarily fit anywhere else; personal information, pictures to share, clippings from news sources that may not be on the Internet more than one day. This site will be like a "scrapbook where I save items that will not remain long on the Internet. It is not meant to be a public web site although there will be times when I send people here to see the things I believe are important.

Guns and Self Defense

British Gun Crime Increases After Gun Ban:
In Britain, gun crime is predictably increasing by leaps and bounds under their draconian gun laws and especially after they put a farmer away for life (See "Farmer Jailed for Life.") for defending himself against two robbers. Meanwhile the number of police is diminishing. Seems nobody wants to be a policeman when criminals are armed and they are not.
Countering Gun Myths:
I've said on more than a few occasions that there doesn't seem to be much difference between Democrats and Republicans lately, since the GOP seems to let the Dems get away with just about anything they wish. But there are "pockets of guts" in the Congress. This Senator is one of them as he counters the Democrats listing names of "gun victims" (that include those criminals killed by the guns of honest people without differentiation between those and others) by listing the names of people who are now alive because of a gun in the hands of an honest person. He also loudly mentioned that he could truthfully cite millions of such cases more than the Dems can cite for their side by lying.
(Senator) Feinstein Waves Gun in Crowded Room:
Wanna see a "picture of stupidity?" Check out this photo of virulent enemy of self defense (for the "peasants" --- she's got her concealed weapons permit) Senator Diane Deinstein waving an automatic weapon around at a news conference with an uncomfortable Senator Diane Degette in the background. Of course, her finger is on the trigger.
Guns Save Lives; Tale of Two Restaurant Shootings:
This is the story of two restaurant shootings. In one, because the state doesn't allow citizens to be armed, five people die. In another, because that state does allow its citizens the means for self defense, only the would-be shooter died.
Farmer Jailed for Life for Defending Himself:
A British farmer defended himself with a gun, killing one and wounding another as they broke into his home. The judge said the case had also raised serious questions about the level of rural crime and ordered that concerns over policing the countryside be brought to the attention of the Chief Constable of Norfolk (Yeah, that and a .357 magnum in your hand will protect you). With cops disappearing all over Britain (see "British Gun Crime Increases") it becomes more and more obvious they're not against guns, but against self defense itself.
Mom Keeps Gun, Saves Two Lives:
Mom gets a gun after a scare. When a serial rapist broke into her home, she used the gun to run him off so he could not rape her, too, He is now serving more than 100 years for his other rapes.
Mom's Gun Saves Her Life Today, Daughter's 20 Years Later:
She had a gun in the house because she grew up around guns. This night, she didn't have to use it because in a rare instance, calling the sheriff produced a cop quick enough. Twenty years later her daughter, who had been trained in gun use used a gun to stop a predator who tried to rob her when her car broke down --- just by showing it to him.
NRA Meeting; Important Words of Wisdom:
Remarks by James Jay Baker, Executive Director, NRA Institute for Legislative Action at the 129th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Charlotte, NC May 27, 2000. Words of wisdom and some excellent points to use in arguing against the anti-self defense (gun control) fanatics. A "must read."
A "sillygism" is a sequence of statements which appear logical but which produce nonsense. For example: people who die after jumping out of airplanes are almost always wearing parachutes. Therefore, if people jump out of airplanes without parachutes, they will be safer. That's a sillygism. Those who are against honest people owning, carrying, and using the means for self defense because they might go crazy and kill somebody speak in "sillygisms." The views espoused by this writer are the same as my own: that you have "inherent" rights, just by being born, with or without a Constitution. It's a concept not often espoused.

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