What This Journal is All About

This is where I will be putting things that I need to keep available for my own use way beyond the time when news sources keep pages on the Internet, and for people to see and read but which don't necessarily fit anywhere else; personal information, pictures to share, clippings from news sources that may not be on the Internet more than one day. This site will be like a "scrapbook where I save items that will not remain long on the Internet. It is not meant to be a public web site although there will be times when I send people here to see the things I believe are important.

Home Schooling

Berkeley, California wants to ban home schooling:
They want to ban home schooling altogether in Berkeley, California. But they're echoing Bill Clinton's demand that home schoolers be forced to prove their children are learning. Isn't winning the last two National Spelling Bees with the latest one being led by three, count 'em, three home schoolers enough proof? How about excelling in every test over public schooled kids?
Sour Grapes Because Home Schoolers Do Better:
Home schooled children have won the last two National Spelling Bees, with three, count 'em, three home schoolers taking the top spots in 2000. They also won the National Geographic Bee and are expected to top the lists in math competition. Now disgruntled competitors from public schools are whining. They say that home schoolers are "groomed" to win by spending all their time studying for it "unencumbered by school bells." Anything to blame someone else and claim it's "unfair."

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