What This Journal is All About

This is where I will be putting things that I need to keep available for my own use way beyond the time when news sources keep pages on the Internet, and for people to see and read but which don't necessarily fit anywhere else; personal information, pictures to share, clippings from news sources that may not be on the Internet more than one day. This site will be like a "scrapbook where I save items that will not remain long on the Internet. It is not meant to be a public web site although there will be times when I send people here to see the things I believe are important.

Government Outrages

Skinned Alive:
This news item from the "Washington Post" tells about an eyewitness to the atrocities practiced by the Communist Chinese government, which executes more prisoners in three months than most countries do in three years. China does their executions close to clinics so the organs will not "spoil," then sell them for big bucks. People are executed for the most minor things, such as stealing gas to get more organs to sell.

Elian's Snatching a U. S./Cuba Scam:
This news item from the "Washington Times" tells the tale of how the United States (read: "Clinton") and Cuba (read: "Castro") collaborated not only on the now famous snatch of Elian Gonzalez from his Miami relatives, but also in how to fool the public on how and why it happened.
Government Blacklist of "Drug Dealers":
Congress is looking to pass a law that will allow the government to start a "blacklist" of "drug dealers" all over the world whose assets can be seized without due process" and with whom Americans can be prohibited from doing business.
Elian's "No Violence" Snatching:
When they snatched Elian Gonzales without a valid warrant, and at the point of a machine gun in this six-year-old's face, they claimed it was a "good raid" because "nobody got hurt." I guess their definition of "anybody" is specifically limited to government agents, and not television cameramen or outraged people on the scene. This is James Bovard's article from the June, 2000 issue of "American Spectator."
Elian's "Snatch" Thug Tries to Spin:
The thug who pointed his automatic weapon at a six-year-old boy is now trying to spin things so you will believe him instead of what you saw. He says no one was assaulted and no one was threatened. What the Hell does he think bursting through a broken door with automatic weapons leveled was? He said there was no cursing. I don't believe any of it, and that's tragic because the reason I don't believe it is from long experience with coverup efforts made by the government when they screw up. I notice they still didn't have the guts to identify him although they did say he was the team leader.
Injured Cameraman: INS Lied About No Violence and No Cursing:
The news cameraman who was clubbed to the ground by the government thugs who snatched Elian Gonzalez are lying through their teeth. He said he wasn't going to make an issue of it but was sickened by the "whitewash" and decided to come forward and tell the world about their lies.
Perversions: "Teach Out": Out of the Closet:
The March 25th Massachusetts state government-affiliated "Teach Out 2000" at Tufts University for educators and teenage students promoted pederasty and homosexual teenage sex as acceptable, and presented graphic descriptions of homosexual sexual practices and at least one sado-masochistic practice. State employees making the obscene presentations tried to suppress taped evidence of the offensive "Teach Out" with a court restraining order. But the word got out anyway. By the time of the restraining order, the audiotape had already been circulated to state legislators by the Parents rights Coalition of Massachusetts.

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