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Colic: To Walk or Not to Walk
There are a number of things that can send shivers of fear running up and down a horse owner's spine. You walk out to the pasture and see your favorite mount standing there three-legged lame, blood dripping from a gaping wound in the leg being held aloft. Serious injury. You walk into the stable and there in that comfortable box stall is a horse rocking back on its rear legs, front legs extended. The horse is in obvious, severe pain. Laminitis. You walk into barn or pasture and there on the ground lies your horse, writhing in agony, its eyes glazed with pain, its coat dirty from rolling. Colic.
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Sole Bruise
This moring when I went to the barn, my Quarter Horse gelding was lame to the point where he did not want to bear any weight on his left hind foot at all. My barn manager thinkgs it might be a sole bruise. What is a sole bruise? What should I do about it until my veterinarian arrives?
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To Blanket or Not to Blanket?
The short answer might very well be "to blanket." However, for many horses blanketed during cooler months, that extra layer provides more comfort to their caregivers than to the animals themselves. Horses have evolved to have an excellent built-in temperature control: a very thick winter hair coat. Horses require between 10 and 21 days to acclimatize to colder temperatures. For instance, on the first day of 35° F weather, the horse might feel cold, but over 10-21 days of similar cold weather, he will ...
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Vaccination Yearly Planner
Immunizations are the cornerstone of disease prevention if given appropriately and in a timely manner.
One of the brightest spots of equine medical care for horses is the availability of many safe and effective vaccines to protect horses from infectious and noninfectious diseases. Sometimes it is confusing as to which ones your horse might need. Let's look at the vaccine options, the necessity of each, and how to plan for boosters throughout the year.
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Feeding Horses when Temperatures Drop
Winter presents a challenge to horse owners when it comes to feeding their horses. Low temperatures, harsh winds and rain, snow, and ice all contribute to the increasing nutrient requirements a horse has to keep themselves warm and maintain their body weight. Here are a few feeding tips to help horse owners keep their horses happy and healthy this winter:...
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Feeding the Older Horse
No doubt you've crossed paths with men and women in their 70s and 80s who are healthy, energetic, and active. I know of an 87-year-old woman who lifts weights at the gym twice weekly and volunteers each Wednesday to help familiarize new, fellow residents moving into the senior housing complex. By the same token, I know folks in their 50s and 60s whose medical problems are keeping them in the slow lane. Maybe it's true that "being old" is a state of mind, but for sure, it's also a state of how well the old body and bones hold up too...
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