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Member Benefits
Home About Us Meet the Members Recent Events Member Benefits Calendar Contact Us
  • Programs & Seminars
  • Training Activities
  • Trail Rides
  • Monthly Newsletter for Members Only
  • Many Chances to Meet Other People With a Common Interest, Horses
  • Discounts With Some of Our Business Members
  • If You Are a Business, More Exposure

Programs & Seminars LCHA puts on a variety of programs and seminars geared towards educating it's members in a variety of areas. Some of the more recent programs covered working in the round pen and using t-touch on trail horses, and a panel of Veterinarians were available to answer our equine questions.
Training Activities Training activities are a great part of LCHA. They are generally put on by our members and are used to enhance our knowledge of working with our horses. Some of the most recent training activities included .....
Trail Rides LCHA gets together as a group many times during the year to ride on local trails. This is a great way to learn about trails that are available but that you may not necessarily know are in our area.
Monthly Newsletter The monthly newsletter provides members with lots of information.