Chapter 10

“Wow, that must have been the long version. Well, I guess I have a few details to fill in don’t I?”

“Yes, you do.” Rayna leaned forward and Robby, Johnny, and Marco sat back wide eyed.

“Well, Rayna dear, to begin with Jen did not kill herslef. I killed her, but since she didn’t kill my father I was nice. I drugged jer and locked her in the garage with the car running. It was labeled a suicide before she was even dead, traumatic past and all.”

“What about the tape?” Rayna could see the sunlight streaming throught the curtains, she only had to stall a little while longer.

“I was at the funeral. I was just waiting for my chance to kill you and low and behold, I get a call from a very concerned Mr. Bancroft. It appeared that a rock star was going to stay at his motal and he was afraid there’d be trouble. So I cooked up this little scheme to torture you and then kill you. Nothing less than you deserve, of course.”

“You’re father raped me.”

“Don’t you think I know that, but you killed him.”

“Do you really think killing me will bring him back?”

“Of course not, I’m not stupid, but you need to be punished and the courts failed to do so.”

“You are more fucked up than your father was.”

“No shit, Rayna. I’m glad you finally caught up to the group.”

“Why don’t you get help? Killing me won’t help.”

“I’ve tried that. Does it look like it worked to you?”

“Apparently not.”

“Now, that’s enough out of you. No more distractions. No more little sidetracks. Who’s going to be first to die, Rayna?”

“I won’t choose.”

“Well, then I’ll just choose for you.” He stood and turned the gun to Marco. He fired once, knocking Marco over in his chair. Johnny, Robby, and Rayna jumped up. “Now that’s exhilerating. You guys should really try that sometime. Oh wait, I forgot, you don’t have time anymore. Now Rayna, I know ou won’t choose again, so we’ll just continue on down the line.” He pointed the gun at Robby. Johnny jumped in front of Robby, taking the bullet in the shoulder and knocking them both to the ground. Rayna lunged at McCaid, knocking him down and sending the gun flying. McCaid flipped Rayna over and a struggle ensued. Suddenly Robby picked up the gun and fired it once into the air.

“Get off of her.” McCaid and Rayna stood up slowly.

“You don’t have the guts to shoot me.”

“What makes you think that?”

“You’re an artist, not a killer.”

“Shoot him, Robby. Shoot him,” Rayna urged.”

“He can’t Rayna, you know he can’t,” McCaid said. Robby was shaking badly and covered in Johnny and Marco’s blood. Rayna wasn’t sure he knew who or what he was supposed to shoot. McCaid jumped at Robby, grabbing the gun from his hand. Robby fell backwards into the dresser and then onto the floor, unconcious. McCaid turned the gun towards Robby and Rayna pulled her knife from her boot. She took one step to McCaid and shoved the knife in his back. SHe pulled the knife out and he spun around and shot her in the stomach. McCaid fell backwards and Rayna collasped to her knees. She crawled over to McCaid, who pointed the gun at her. Rayna stabbed him again, her whole weight following the knife onto him. She grabbed the gun from his hand and climbed off of him.

“Johnny? Are you okay?”

“I think so. It just grazed me.”

“What about Marco?”

“I don’t know. He’s not moving and it doesn’t look like he’s breathing.”

“Can you get up?”

“Yeah, I’m coming.” Johnny stood up slowly. “Oh my god, Rayna you’re bleeding.”

“I know, he shot me. Come over here and see if you can revive Robby.” Johnny walked over to Robby and kneeled down next to him.

“Robby? Robby, come on man.” Robby moved slightly and opend his eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” Robby sat up rubbing his head. Johnny helped Robby to his feet. Robby walked over an put his arm around Rayna, lifting her up. Rayna winced and breathed in deeply.

“Wait,” Rayna said once she was on her feet.


“They come back. They always come back.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that they come back. They always come back.” Rayna lifted the gun, pointed it at McCaid and shot him in the forehead. “Let’s get out of here,” Rayna said, dropping the gun. Johnny put his good arm around Rayna, and they helped her down to the first floor. The police came through the front door just as they got downstairs.

“The fifth floor,” Rayna said, and the police ran up the steps. The paramedics came in and put Rayna on a stretcher. They bandaged Johnny’s arm and loaded Rayna into the ambulence. Johnny and Robby got in and sat down next to her.

“Rayna, explain something to me.”

“What Johnny?”

“It was snowing yesterday, a blizzard to be exact, now it’s sunny and the snow is melting. How does that work?”

“This is Colorado. If you don’t like the weather wait five minutes.” Johnny, Robby, and Rayna all began laughing. “Oh, ow, I can’t do that.”

“Guys, we got a live one,” a voice called fom outside the ambulence. Rayna, Robby and Johnny all looked at one another in shock. It couldn’t be, could it? Rayna shot him in the head. They loaded another stretcher into the ambulence.

“Marco? Ohmy god, is he going to be okay?”

“He’s okay, but a few inches to the left and he wouldn’t be here.”

* * * * *

Five months later....

“Well Jen, that it’s. That’s how it happened. I killed another man. I guess it’s true what they say, it get’s easier each time. I know that sounds cold and heartless, but I have realized something. I did what I had to do, I had no choice.” Rayna sighed and ran her hand across Jen’s name on the headstone.



“It’s the cell phone. It’s for you.”

“Okay, I’m coming. Goodbye Jen. I love you. I’ll be back to visit you soon.” Rayna stood up and brushed off her pants. She walked towards her black convertible. “Who’s on the phone, Marco?”

“Um, I think it’s Nate.” Marco handed her the phone.


“Rayna, it’s Nate.”

“Hey Nate. What’s up?”

“The plan has changed. We leave tonight at midnight, instead of tomorrow.”

“Okay. We’ll be there.” Rayna pressed end and put the phone down. “Marco, we’re leaving tonight instead of tomorrow.”

“All right. That’s fine. We’re all packed either way.”

“We have to go back to the apartment now.”

“Or should I say, I’m packed either way.”

“Oh shut up.”

They went back to their place and Rayna started packing. She had been lucky in some ways since her vacation. She decided to stop running from Colorado and finally moved back home. She discovered that Nathaniel was a tour manager, so she asked him to manage her next tour. She finished her album to rave reviews. The police believed that it was self defense and no one was charged with anything. Rayna and Robby tried the relationship thing, but it didn’t work out. Rayna and Robby tried the realtionship thing, but it didn’t work out. Rayna figured it was never meant to work out to begin with, Robby wasn't her type and relationships based on traumatic situations rarely work. Marco convinced the courts to emancipate him and Rayna took him into her home. He had graduated early so he was going on tour with her.



“I really don’t think I can say this enough. Thank you.”

“Marco, I told you it’s no big deal,” Rayna said, walking over to sit down next to him and taking his hand.

“But it is a big deal. You took me in when no one else would, when I had no family.”

“You’re seventeen, it’s not like I was taking on a two month old. You take care of yourself, hell sometimes you take care of me. Plus, before I was so lonely, but now I have you.”

“Thank you anyway.”

“Come on. We should eat something before we go.”

“Okay, so I’m kinda getting a crush on him. Would that really be so bad? He’ll be eighteen soon and then it won’t matter. Beside I have a tour to concentrate on right now. It would be kind of ironic, Jen ended up with a stoner and I end up with a soccer player,” Rayna thought as she fixed dinner.

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