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The ER Waiting Room

Please have a seat in the Waiting Area. It is a busy place today; you may have to wait for a little while before someone can see you. Beside you on a table are several magazines: The National Geographic, Smithsonian, Christianity Today, Spin-Off, and even KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt.

Hopefully, you are only here for the tour. However, if you are here as a patient, or a patient's family member, we will do the best we can to serve you and to meet your needs.

You look around, and see that there is a Bible on one of the empty seats nearby. If you look in it, you will see that there are many verses highlighted which people have found comforting and helpful in times of trouble. Also, there is a card inside the front of the Bible inviting you to visit Rampart's chapel.

Waiting for news about someone you love is always very hard. Some people like to play games to pass the time.

While you're waiting, sign the guestbook!

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and your e-mail address:

Is this your first visit?

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Who's your favorite?

Dr. Brackett? (intense) Dr. Early? (mellow) Dixie McCall? (fantastic) Dr. Morton? (brash)

Make any comments you'd like below:

Thanks for your input

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