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American Civil War Living History & Battle Re-enactment 
With Co H 2nd US Sharpshooters

  Berdan : The Man With A Dream About the US Sharpshooters About Co H 2nd US Sharpshooters
Organisation of the Sharpshooters The Sharps Rifle Uniform & Equipment of the Sharpshooters
Re-enactment with Co H 2nd US Sharpshooters How to Contact Us The Guest Book Some useful links  

Re-enactment of the Sharpshooters


Co H 2d US Sharpshooters is the one and only Sharpshooter Regiment in the UK & as such we take pride in our units appearance trying to portray the regiment as accurately as possible through continuous research.

We are a family orientated unit with members from all walks of life, ability and location. All our members fulfilling various roles from rifle men to camp followers.  Not only do we allow women to go onto the battle field as rifle men we positively encourage it. 

Co H 2nd US Sharpshooters has an award given out at the end of each season. The award for 
Best Rifle Man of the Year is given to the person who has shown, throughout the season, dedication to the unit. 

CO H 2d US Sharpshooters fights with APNV ( Armies of the Potomac & Northern Virginia Historical Society) & ACWS (American Civil War Society Ltd) 

If you would like more information on the Sharpshooters and how to join up then please contact us


Remembering Comrades

here >>

Below is an Ode to the Sharpshooters written by Hazel, a member of Co H.

My first experience of life with the sharpshooters was at Detling, and for those that don't know I spent the night in a sheep shed with a bus full of ammunition in one corner and Paddys snoring amplified (yes that is possible!) by the roof. So why am I still here? For answer I have composed this little ode.


The great civil war, American style
They re-enact, both rank and file.
Who fought with who, with what and when
All of these details are in their ken.
So if its knowledge that you're wanting to glean
Come and ask the lads who are all dressed in green.

The 1860's the date on the site.
Even the children must get it all right.
What book, what boots what jug or what cup,
If you get it wrong they might lock you up!
So if authenticity is what is to be seen,
Go along to the lads who are all dressed in green.

The evenings are spent around the fire,
Of telling good stories we never tire.
Singing old songs with a tankard of ale,
To have a good time you never can fail.
So if for a laugh you're more than keen,
Come along and join all the lads dressed in green.

If life has Turned sour and you're wearing a frown,
Your house is collapsing, your job getting you down,
And to off load things you really do yearn
But there's no one around you, don't know where to turn,
And if on a shoulder your wanting to lean
There's always one ready, and that's dressed in green.

If history is what you would like to live,
And time at weekends you are willing to give,
If you think that your time is well spent
Out in a field within a white tent,
If re-enacting is really your scene,
Come along and enroll with the lads dressed in green.

That goes for the lasses too of course!


© 2002 Andy Sherlock & Daz Selby
Webmaster Andy Sherlock

Many thanks to Darren Selby for contributing the main body of text.  © 1999 Darren Selby   No reproduction of text without the express permission of the author Darren Selby.