Dark Realm RPG

Ultimate Battle Resurrection

Alexs 1 Sagas

Top 5 Warriors
(Updated Weekly)
- Nail
- Piccolo
- Krillin
- Future Trunks
- Yamcha


Welcome new member: Cooler!

+1 Quest added.

To join copy and paste this form filled out with the information on the join board. Only do this if you plan on being ACTIVE obviously and you must first register a name on the board before posting this. Then you will either be accepted or rarely, declined by a staff member. Please check the untaken characters page before you post as well.

Character you want to be:

Screen Name:

Email Address:

Pick two level 1 moves you want to start with(at intermediate level):

What planet do you want to start on? (Choices below)

Earth, Namek, or if changling Frieza is a choice.:

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