Links News and other information... The Blue Spruce Almanac -
my new site. The Mountain Mail - My old paper in Salida, Colorado The Pueblo Chieftain - Pueblo, Colorado The Silverton Standard and Miner - Silverton, Colorado's finest The Mountain Gazette - "When in doubt, go higher." High Country News - Well written national and regional environmental news NPR- National Public Radio's site Aftenposten Norway - Norwegian news in English - better than it sounds The Toronto Star - Another interesting perspective on the news The Christian Science Monitor - Great international newspaper Whole Wheat Radio- From Talkeetna, Alaska, a continuous stream of good stuff Fark.com - It's not news, it's Fark... Colorado links... Colorado State Archives - All kinds of things. Poke around a little.... Colorado Avalanche Information Center - Great source for winter weather and other info. Colorado Marraige and Divorce records - Yup, we're on the list... Western History Photography Collection - The Denver Public Library's collection The Colorado State Fair - The pride of Pueblo and a real good time Colorado Internet Sports Broadcasts - listen to Colorado teams on your computer The Colorado Virtual Library - a great resource
Jesse's Picks God's homepage -I found God on the internet and he has his own website... The Useless Pages - Good if you haven't laughed in awhile. Fun with Grapes - A Case Study - This actually works!! A site dedicated to the preservation of the Plastic Pink Flamingo - This is just wrong. Some Friends Stuff... Jared Ewy's Brain Revival - Multi-talented writer, reader, and popsicle-eater Jason Galvin.com - The boy who gave it all up to go to Spain, then came back Travis Sexton - some screenwriting stuff Brett Davis - One of New Mexico's finest guitar players. Really. Bob
James - former flat-track
motorcycle champion, good guy The Roadhead
Chronicles - Mike Marino hits the literary road less
traveled. Gun it. Beer Realbeer.com - They've got everything... Pubcrawler - Where will you be drinking tonight? Other Stuff.... The White Plate Flat Trackers Association -Kristin's grandpa, Bob James, was a champion motorcycle racer in the 1940's and is a member of the WPFTA Hall of Fame today American Memory - The Library of Congress has a great site with lots of interesting stuff. Check out free music, pictures and other items from our own national archive.. E-Book Library- University of Virginia's online collection of literature Project Guttenberg - even more online books Electronic Frontier Foundation - John Perry Barlow and other defenders of freedom Adbusters - Exploring the dark side of consumerism. Well worth a look. Curtis Imrie - A Bull Moose Democrat and World Champion burro racer Coloradicals - Radicals, Anarchists, etc. The Fighting Whites - Every thang's gonna be all white! The Gumbo Pages - A great site about music, food, drink and Louisiana Michael Feldman's Whad'Ya Know? - Mostly funny radio game show on NPR. |