About Me

  Maxine Aisha Pontin. Widely known as Max, Maxy or Maxymus. Born on March 8th 1989 in Torquay, Devon. Currently living in Brixham, Devon. Piscean. Two half brothers; Damion and Leon. Short brown hair. Dark green eyes with flecks of brown in them (not quite hazel anymore). 'Home educated' from the age of 11. Enjoys doing most things; particulary kayaking, building, drawing, writing and anything computer related. Has phobias of spiders, kids and heights. Hates touching anything metal and the sound of hoovers. Loves Alex and Victoria, Owen and Diane, and the thought of Will and Chrissie. Doesn't like going to sleep before 1am or getting out of bed until at least midday. Likes listening to people and there problems (although is rarely ever any use on solving them). Has an incredible amount of knowledge and knows a lot more than most 15 year olds, but rarely ever lets on. Is extremely self-sufficeint and does not like being given help (mainly because it's rarely ever needed). Likes to pretend is 'Gods Gift'. Possessive. Loner. Wary of others and their intentions. Can be a bit prickly. Over-sensitive. Quiet. Paranoid. Indecisive. Loyal. Supposedly 'detached' from other people. Hates getting too close to someone - Backs off and speaks less whenever feels this. Loves the rain. Dreamer. Romantic. Plans to become a firefighter and get pilot's license.

Max on a bad day:                                                                                            Max on a good day: