>> September 26th 2004 >> Another two new banners added. Click >here< and >here< for them.

>> September 24th 2004 >> Two new banners added. Click >here< and >here< for them.

>> September 23rd 2004 >> New Riane banner added.

>> September 23rd 2004 >> 2 new Alevic banners added - Only vaguely different from one another. Can be found >here< and >here<
Contact address has been discovered to not be working. Has now been replaced with a valid one. Sorry for any inconvenience!

>> September 22nd 2004 >> Slight changes made and finished in the >Episodes< section.
62 new Alevic screencaps also added. (Can be found >here< )
New Alevic banner also added.

>> September 21st 2004 >> 'I'm Not In Love' transcript currently down for re-editing - Should be back up by the end of the week.
Also, slight bit of remodelling to be going on over the next few days, so if broken links are come across, or anything is discovered to be missing then don't worry - It'll all be back soon!
Urgent note: Site currently unavailable in Netscape! - Problems are being fixed.

>> September 21st 2004 >> 11 more Janice screencaps now up. Click >here< to view them.

>> September 20th 2004 >> 77 more Janice screencaps now up. Click >here< to view them.

>> September 20th 2004 >> New Will & Connie banner up.

>> September 19th 2004 >> 31 more Alevic screencaps now up. Click >here< to view them.

>> September 18th 2004 >> 28 Janice screencaps now up. Click >here< to view them.

>> Only 392 screencaps currently up, keep checking back though as more will be appearing over the next few weeks - as will more transcripts, graphics and anything else that is currently unavailable.